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Sat Feb 8th, 2014 @ 7:31am

Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport

Name Danielle Davenport

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species half betazoid - half human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 127 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue/Grey
Physical Description Long blonde hair, blue-grey eyes. Fair skin. Average height, under weight due to stress on the home front. Danielle tries to always pressed and neat in appearance on and off duty.


Spouse Alec Davenport (seperated)
Children Aiden son (4 years)
(currently unnamed son - d)
Father Andros Juul
Mother Rebecca Juul
Brother(s) Many
Sister(s) besides her twin Noelle - Many
Other Family Nana Dani Hawthorne

Personality & Traits

General Overview Compassionate and caring, but serious when on duty, off duty and when she can relax, much more cheerful. Has a frown on her face, not because she is upset, but because she is focused on what she is doing. She will smile when the time is appropriate, with patients, and has sense of humor. Danielle grew up in a large family and thinks the crew of where she is at, as an extension of that family.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: workaholic (hard worker), compassionate, caring, empathetic she has a large family and thinks of the crew that she works with as an extension of that family. At times, she is a bit strong natured and stubborn.

Weaknesses: since she is dedicated to her job, she has to remember to take time to dedicate to Aiden, since she and his father have split.
Ambitions Besides achieving her greatest desire to become a doctor. Her new ambition is to finalize one way or the other her relationship with her husband, she has yet to tell him of the baby she is carring. To do the best job that she can as a doctor & mother. To find alien herbs, plants to use as natural medicines.
Hobbies & Interests her family, plants and natural biology remedies. Music. Horse back riding, skiing, cooking, mountain climbing and hiking
Languages Vulcan, Terran, Bajoran

Personal History Danielle, Dani as her family calls her knew at an early age that she wanted to be a doctor and follow in her mothers and big sisters footsteps. She used to practice as all kids do, playing doctor on her siblings, dollies and anything else she could find outside to take care of. She raised a baby bird that fell out of the tree one spring until it could be released to live its little birdy life. During the summers she would spend time with her grandmother Danielle and learn about plants, first as herbs for cooking and then much more. She learned that they could be used as poultices and started using such on the horse that were on her grandparents mountain ranch.

Dani spent most summers following her mother around in the hospital where she worked.
After graduation she applied to Star Fleet academy and was immediately accepted. Where she trained in the medical field and graduated as a medical officer in 2385.

She was assigned to Star base Sigma as a medical officer and it was where she met and married the love of her life at the time, Alec Davenport. She soon found out that she was pregnant and had a son, named Aiden.

Danielle worked hard and became the Assistant to the Chief Medical Officer and has been in that position since.

On another note: Alec's position aboard the starbase kept him away from home often and it was the time away form home that caught him in vicious cycle, he was tempted by another officer and was unfaithful to his wife. The two have tried to make it work, but the situation and his constant coming and going has added much stress to their marriage and has begun to affect Danielle's health, and Aiden world. Danielle has asked for a transfer off the base to any where available.

2390 Dr. Davenports involvement with the Omega Radiation is classified. Needless to say Danielle lost her son, that she might save others lives. Specifically Commodore Jonathan Hansen, USS Sedgemoor and Crew of the USS Viper.
Service Record Graduated from Star Fleet Academy
Assigned as a Medical Doctor on Star Base Sigma
Became the Assistant Chief Medical Officer at Starbase Sigma when the previous one retired. Requested a transfer.
Transfer request approved and Danielle is transferred to the USS Sedgemoor
While aboard the Sedgemoore. A romantic situation occurred, involved a intelligence officer name Ibraham Stern. A conflict of medical issues occurred, involvement with Omega Radiation occurred and Danielle requested a transfer to the USS Langport as a temporary assignment.
Was then transferred to Typhon Starbase