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Fri Aug 15th, 2014 @ 3:01am

Lieutenant Commander Kimberly Dallas~Truman~Kahn

Name Kimberly Kelly Dallas~Truman~Kahn MD

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill Joined
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 4' 11"
Weight 115
Hair Color Brown with Blond
Eye Color Black


Spouse Major Kevin Truman (1⁄2 Klingon & 1⁄2 Betazoid) (Marine Executive Officer & Second Officer Starbase Pandora )
Children Twin Girls Pandora & Olivia Truman ages 10 (1/4 Klingon, 1/4 Betazoid, & 2/4 Trill)
Father James Dallas (Trill Doctor)
Mother Kelly Dallas (Legislator in the Trill government)
Brother(s) Lt. Commander James Dallas Jr (KIA on USS Voyager, he was a Medical Officer)
Commander Kevin Dallas (XO for USS New York)
Sister(s) Lt. Kelly Dallas~Hood (Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer USS Malaysia)
Jamie Dallas~Foxly (A Doctor on Trill)
Other Family Mother~in~Law(s)
Commander Amy Truman MD (Starfleet Medical Staff)
Captain Carl Truman (Starfleet Academy Staff)
Major Thomas Hood (Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS Malaysia)
Jason Foxly (Joined Trill) (Legislator in the Trill government)
Lt. Commander Tim Truman (Chief Engineer USS New York)
Lt. Commander Rose Lake~Dallas (CMO for USS New York)
Cadet Sophomore Grade Ziva Truman (Starfleet Academy)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kimberly has a small and trim body, with a small tattoo on her left arm. Kimberly keeps are hair long with waves in it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kimberly strength points are she is a good worker and know how to get her patients to feel safe.
Hobbies & Interests Kimberly hobbies music from the 21st and 23rd Century, writing and publishing holo novels. Minor in art and Computer sciences.
Languages Standard Starfleet Language, Trill, Klingon, & Betazoid

Personal History Kimberly is the 12th Host for the Kahn (symbiont), and the 5th to be in Starfleet Officer.
The Host History: Kimberly grow up on the Trill Home world, Kimberly is the youngest of 5 children and the only one in her family to be joined to a Trill symbiont, Kimberly applied to the Trill Symbiosis Commission for joining before she joined Starfleet Academy.. Kimberly was only join to the Kahn (symbiont) 3 weeks before she join Starfleet Academy...
Service Record Graduated Trill Symbiosis Commission by being Joined to the Kahn (symbiont)
Graduated Starfleet in Medical, Biologist and Security
Served on Starbase 354 as Medical Officer and Biologist Specialist
Served on USS Starfire as Beta Asst. Medical Officer
Served on Starbase 897 as Alpha Asst. Medical Officer and Biologist Specialist
Served on Starbase Rainbow as Chief Medical Officer and Head Biologist Specialist
Currently serves on Starbase Typhon as Chief Medical Officer