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Fri Dec 29th, 2017 @ 9:05am

N'alae t’K’manatran

Name N'alae t’K’manatran

Position TGTV Morning's Wake's Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'-8"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Black with purple tint
Eye Color Violet, almost black
Physical Description Lean and athletic, N’alae is careful to keep herself in top condition. As a Romulan, she appears younger than her human counterparts of the same age, in her early 20's. Her hair is still cut similar to the Romulan military style, although the lines are a considerably softer and she has dyed it to have a deep purple sheen. She prefers comfortable but utilitarian clothing, high boots and a close-fitting, hip-length jacket.


Spouse NA
Children NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview “K’manatran” means ‘outcast’ in Rihannsu
Disgraced and exiled from the Romulan Star Empire, N’alae harbours bitter resentment towards her former affiliation. She has been in the military for most of her life, and retains the discipline she learned during her time there. She hates pirates and other smugglers who trade in the misery of others. Money isn’t as important to her as how she sees herself, and she does not want to be like those she would have once hunted down as part of the Empire.
Strengths & Weaknesses - Organized and efficient
- Excellent pilot
- Skilled at decoding and code-breaking
- Low-level psionic ability for presence detection, which can only tell her if there is someone nearby within approximately 20 meters.
Afraid that her psionic ability will somehow be reported back to the Empire, so she does her best to hide it.
- Loves human chocolate
Ambitions - N’alae would like to distance herself from the less appealing aspects of smuggling
- When she was part of the Romulan Military, she had goals and ambitions which corresponded with that lifestyle. Since leaving that life behind she has had little ambitions beyond survival - without compromising her conscience, and staying off the Tal Shiar’s radar.
Hobbies & Interests - Collects coded transmissions for decoding in her spare time
- Likes to draw, and keeps a book (real paper) filled with sketches of things she has seen or experienced
- N’alae is fond of tribbles, and has been know to keep one as a pet form time to time - although she is always careful in it’s care so as to not end up with a hundred of the things.
Languages Rihannsu (Romulan, Reman), Orion, Federation Standard, Vulcan

Personal History N’alae was born the second child to a high-ranking family in the city of Mnaeha on Romulus. Her father sponsored her at an early age to several government programs where she excelled. Upon completion of these programs she was enrolled in the military academy, where she eventually rose through the ranks to gain a posting on a warbird. Since her family had influence, she was assigned to the command deck.

She was on a fast-track to having her own command. N’alae believed in the Empire, and was quite content with her position in it. Soon after attaining the rank of Sub-commander there was an incident which ended with her being dishonorably discharged from the military. Embarrassed by the scandal this caused, her family disowned her and had her exiled from the Empire. Enraged by this action, N’alae left her family name behind along with all ties to her former life.

She first travelled to the outer Romulan colonies, but finding no welcome there either, she soon left the Rihannsu territories altogether. Her piloting skills quickly found her work with a smuggling consortium based in the Orion Sector.

During her time working for the Orion’s, N’alae was on a ship which took a contract to transport sensitive materials for a black-market scientist. She was uncomfortable with the situation, but could do little about it, except request a transfer. Just before she was set to leave, there was an accident involving some of the cargo. Several crew members, including herself, were exposed to experimental biological compounds. Because there could be no official ties back to the scientist, N’alae spent several months in an unlicensed hospital before finally recovering. Fortunately she suffered no serious side-effects, however she soon discovered that she had developed the low-level psionic ability of presence detection. Such talents are latent in may Romulans but rarely ever manifest, although all Romulan children are tested for psionic potential at an early age. Now she has more reasons not to return home, lest the Tal Shiar discover how this ability was activated.

After recovering, N’alae left the Orion Sector and managed to get a work in Federation territory. She had a good run until Federation crackdowns on the illegal trading of goods put a strain on the business, leaving little work for the many crews operating in the affected sectors.