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Wed Aug 30th, 2017 @ 12:09am

Winset-Kelix ‘Winkel’ Mar-Abek

Name Winset-Kelix ‘Winkel’ dar’Jez Mar-Abek [N'alae]

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Rigelian
Age 46

Physical Appearance

Height 5’-6”
Weight 183 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown/Greying
Eye Color Dark Gold
Physical Description Winkel is slightly overweight with an obvious ponche, but is stronger than he looks. He had a quick eye and deft hands. He wears boots, pants and shirt, and does not particularly care what color they are since all are usually stained with various lubricants from his work. He tucks his shirt in at the waist around his sagging middle, and his pants are held up (mostly) by a worn leather belt, from which hangs various tools. Other tools and devices are always readily at hand from the many pockets of his greenish grey vest. His greying hair is long, but tied back in a loose ponytail, with beads strung throughout in the style of his people. Has a pronounced limp and favours his left leg.


Spouse None
Children 3 (that he knows of)
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) 2 (estranged)
Sister(s) 1 (estranged)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Winkel is a genius and a unmitigated chauvinistic ass.
Strengths & Weaknesses - Winkel has no concept of what is and what is not appropriate when it comes to females. He makes jokes and passes with just about any female, not caring whether they are taken seriously or not.
- Mutters to himself often, and sings (very badly) when working.
- Can tell from looking at junk whether or not it is useful or will fetch a price.
- Collects all sorts of cast-off mechanical bits, most of which looks like junk, until he builds something with it.
- Winkel is a tinkerer and an inventor. He has PADDs everywhere with notes and diagrams for a hundred things, all a work in progress.
Ambitions Winkel chases after new technology, wanting to learn about as many types as he can. He enjoys inventing things that have never been made before, or modifying current technologies to do something new. He gets particular enjoyment out of one-upping the competition.
Hobbies & Interests Loves to tinker, to take things apart and put them together again - not necessarily as they originally were, but always better.
Languages Rigelian, Federation Standard, Orion

Personal History From a young age Winkel was good with machines. He was taking things apart before he could talk. His parents own a small tailor’s shop on the homeworld, and tried to teach him their trade, but he had no interest in it. When he was old enough he ran away, wanting to see the galaxy.
Winkel plied his skills here and there for a few years, merely scraping by, until he was taken in as an engineering apprentice with an Orion trading company. He got the chance to learn about and work on just about every type of vessel. His work was exemplary, but he did not get along with the other engineering staff - especially the female members. Mostly this was overlooked, until he made some unwanted advances to a high-ranking female official in the company and was given the boot.
Unperturbed, he began looking for other work. Until then, he had not had much opportunity to work on any Romulan technology, but wanted too. Knowing that the Romulans themselves would never allow him to work on their vessels, he spent a considerable amount of money to acquire specifications and diagrams on their ships. After thoroughly studying the material, he traveled to the Garid system in the Romulan Star Empire and found work doing menial repairs. He spent the next few years climbing the engineering ranks until he was granted the privilege of working on the repair crews for the D’deridex-class Warbirds that had been supplied to the Garidians by the Empire.
Winkel wasn’t there long, however, before he again made a pass at a high-ranking female - this time the Commander of a Warbird he was working on. To avoid being tossed out an airlock, he quit his job and hid out on Garid for a time. Unfortunately the paranoia of the Romulans followed him, and he was soon the object of a man-hunt. Again, he spent a small fortune and had himself smuggled out of Romulan space.
Back in Orion territory, he found work with smugglers. He resorts to tinkering with ‘acquired’ technology, and feels cheated for all the effort he’d put in to be able to work on the Warbirds.