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Mon Mar 27th, 2023 @ 2:40pm

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

Name Aria Kanzaki

Position Assistant Chief of Security

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 100lbs
Hair Color Light Red
Eye Color Magenta
Physical Description Aria has an atletic build. She keeps her hair tied up in two large twin tails behind her head. She has strange Meganta coloured eyes, which is rare for humans. Her native country is Japan so she has a traditional Japanese facial style, however her features are less defined due to her mother being European.

Unlike most female Starfleet Officers Aria wears a skirted variant of the uniform instead of wearing trousers. Although it is still well within regulations most officers wonder why she chooses to wear it, especially since hers is considered to be short, even by some people's standards.

Aria has no scars, tattoo's or piercings on her body. She believes that her body should remain pure and that doing such things is just an old fashioned way of trying to be better than everyone else, but being the best should be done by the heart and not by how one looks.


Father Shingeru Kanzaki
Mother Jennifer Kanzaki
Other Family Grandparents on both patenal and maternal side of the family. However Aria has little contact with them due to family issues.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aria can be described as a loose cannon on occassions. On duty she is very dedicated to her job and will do anything it takes to get the job done. She has a temper which can sometimes slip loose if the right thing is said, however she may seem like a hothead but she is actually a rather caring woman who hides behind her temper.

Aria also is very intelligent in how she thinks. She likes to have a good view of the situation at hand and is a very good strategist. In a social occasion she sees every point of view before she makes a move, much like a chess player. She can sometimes loose her cool due to her temper.

Throughout her life Aria has found it difficult to make friends. Mainly because she is driven and has sometimes aliented people without knowing it. This has always bothered her because she sometimes does feel a little lonely. She blames her temper and her hotheaded side for getting in the way of her making friendships, however she one day hopes to find a good friend or even someone to settle down with.

Overall Aria is a kind woman who does care. She has a tough exterior and attitude and she knows how to get the job done. She is a little conflicted in herself due to pushing people away and this is the one thing she really wants to change about herself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

Aria has a good few strengths which she is proud of. She has a high Intelligence Level which has always helped her in her field. Therefore she is a brilliant strategist and knows how to move her pieces around a field. She is good at commanding people and having them follow her, she isn't sure if this is because she can be rather intimidative around people or because she is good at getting things done.

Another strength she has is her physical ability. She is very athletic and likes to exercise. Since she was young she had practised in hand to hand sword fighting. Mainly as a hobby but this has come in useful in her job as a security and tactical officer. She is also known for using two phaser pistols instead of just the one, her hand to eye co-ordination is high so she usually hits on target if not both then at least one.


Aria does have several weaknesses. Her main weakness is that she is very hot headed and she loses her temper easily. She would be higher ranked if she hadn't snapped at previous commanding officers in the past. Therefore she considers her temper a weakness as it has sometimes got her into trouble and in some sticky situations. Her temper has also jeposided her relationships with people therefore she finds it hard to make friends, and some people are even scared to talk to her.

Another weakness that Aria has is that she is a sucker for sweet things. Its an unusual weakness but her favourite type of food is anything that is sweet. She loves peach buns and would do anything to get her hands on them. She has been bribed in the past with peach buns into doing stupid things such as giving up holodeck time, or cancelling her time in the shooting range for them at the expense of peace buns. It may sound silly but its true, offer her those and she might just do anything. She's a real sucker for them.
Ambitions Aria has several ambitions in her life. (Apart from eating Peach Buns).

Her main ambition is to do her job and to climb upto a respectable rank. Unlike most officers she has no desire to command a starship. She doesn't want the responsibility of ordering people to die or live under her hand. She wants to make at least commander and stick with tactical or security. She has no desire to go any further, althoush will consider it if needs be.

Another ambition of Aria is to make some friends that she can hold onto. Because her hot headed attitude and temper has always ruined her relationships she wants to start again and try to make some friends. She also wants to find the right man one day and settle down. She would love to one day get married and have children but she is unsure when she should pursue that, especially since she has a busy active career.

Peach Buns. This doesn't need explaining...
Hobbies & Interests Aria has a few hobbies and interests that she likes to upkeep.

Her main hobby is that of physical activity. Since she was young she has been practising the art of sword combat. On her eighteenth birthday her father had two authentic Japanese Katana's forged for her, each with sharp blades. This was to celebrate her Eighteenth birthday and her acceptance into Starfleet Academy on the Security and Tactical Course. To this day she uses them in her training and has even used them on duty when the time has come to act.

Another hobby of Aria's is cooking. She loves to cook in a traditional sense. Most days she would rather cook real food over a stove than have a replicator do it for her. She is generally good at most household chores such as cooking, cleaning and even sewing. This is how she managed to modify her skirted uniform by herself. Her speciality dish is Japanese Sushi and she loves to bake Peach Buns (because thats obvious...)

Aria also has an interest in Earth history and does like to study how things used to be. She considers herself an unofficial expert on the old Medieval Era and she made a point to visit as many of the old Japanese Castles as she could before she left for San Francisco. She also likes to build small models of the castles and she has several now in her quarters on display.
Languages English, Japanese.

Personal History Aria was born in Japan in the city of Kyoto. Her father was Japanese and her mother was English. This is how she has a mixture of genes that make up her look. From an Early Age Aria grew up on the outskirts of Kyoto helping her parents run a small Peach Orchard. This is probably where her taste for Peach Buns came from.

Throughout her Education she was fascinated by the stars and Starfleet. At the age of five she had decided that she wanted to go see what was out there, to her there had to be more out there than just the little Peach Orchard she grew up in. She began to study hard and even left people out of her life to get where she wanted.

At the age of nine years Aria took up sword fighting as she thought she may need it in her future. She was determined to get into Starfleet Academy even as a child. She never played out or made friends she was far too concerned with her future. Her test scores always showed other children up and in high school several of the other children were jealous of her. Being a loner and an outcast several of the boys a year above her decided to try and get back at her for being a smarty-pants.

They soon regretted it after Aria, at the grand old age of twelve hospitialised three boys larger than her. She did this using her intelligence and her skills as a sword fighter and her swiftness.

At the age of Eighteen after High School Aria applied for Starfleet Academy. She wanted to go into the Security and Tactical field. She passed the entrance exam with flying colours and was accepted into the academy. Due to this her father had two special Japanese Katana's forged for her with her name scribed into the blade in Japanese.

For the four years she had at the academy she was known as the quiet, deadly yet very smart student. Not many people spoke to her as she would often lose her temper over trivial little things. She was driven and dedicated to becoming the best. During her Junior Year Aria was involved at a bar fight where some civilians had tried to get into her pants. They thought that she was just a young cadet who didn't know how to defend herself.

She was reprimanded for the incident, mainly because she left the bar without caring about what she had done. It was noted in her file that she had knocked two guys twice her size over a bar and caused several glasses to crash onto them. No one is quite sure how she did it, but safe to say no one tried to get her again in that bar.

Aria graduated within the top five percent of her class with first class honours in the Security and Tactical Field. She would have been Valedictorian at the gradation ceremony for her class, but due to her violent behaviour in the bar and on several other occasions she wasn't chosen, even though her scores were the best. However Aria didn't particually care about it, it didn't bother her.

With her record many Captains were relucant to take on such an officer. Aria found it hard to get an assignment even if her grades were excellent. Eventually after three months she was accepted as a Junior Secueity Officer aboard the USS Lexington at her current rank of Ensign.

Captain Johnson of the USS Lexington noticed her potential and being an old Starfleet Veteran thought he could help her become a good officer. He was partially correct and Aria thrived aboard the Lexington. Aboard the Lexington she found it hard to make friends due to her agressive nature and her temper.

Aria was assigned to the Alpha Security team aboard the Lexington. She was under the command of Lieutenant Commander Willis the ships Chief of Security. She respected Willis and if asked she would consider him a role model for what she wanted to be. He was an excellent Security Officer who knew how to play the game with his teams. He would often try and talk to Aria and help her with her choices. Willis also taught Aria chess and how to play the game. He taught her chess as it was much more than just a game. He said that chess was like everything one does, you need to watch your pieces and be aware of all sides of the board and where the next move is coming from. The same applies to the Security of the ship. Aria respected that philosophy and decided that she was going to run like that.

The Lexington was due for a refit after three years since Aria joined. This is when something happened which shaped Aria for the rest of her life. She had never seen real combat until the day when the Lexington was brutally attacked by a Romulan Warbird. The attack was not seen and was unprovoked. Aria at the time had just gone off duty and she was looking forward to having some time to herself. She was immediately called onto duty as Romulan boarding partied board the Lexington in order to try and take the ship.

Aria had armed herself with her two swords given to her by her father and two phaser pistols. This is where she earned her nickname, "Aria the Quadra" since she used four weapons. Commander Willis was currently pinned down in defense of Engineering when Aria had arrived from behind. The Romulans hadn't seen it coming when Aria quickly disposed of them using her blades. Commander Willis was suprised to see her act like she did, but she disobeyed his orders and ran into Engineering to try and rid if of Romulans.

Once the Romulans had been captured, or in Aria's case killed. Aria was brought up infront of the Captain Johnson. She said he was disappointed in her actions, but they had saved the lives of his crew. Usually she would be facing a reprimand and even a demotion for her actions and refusing to acknowledge an order, however Johnson saw it differently.

He saw that Aria had used her intelect and her insticts to do what was needed. Therefore once the Lexington arrived at spacedock Captain Johnson promoted her to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. After talking with her and Commander Willis about her future Aria was put in for re-assignment. Johnson noticed that she had the potential to be herself and to excel on a more tactical orientated starship. He made arrangements for her to get aboard somewhere where her skills could be used.

Aria was therefore rassigned as Assistant Chief of Tactical Operations of the Federation Station, Deep Space Nine which was now under command of Colonel Kira Nerys. This is where Aria really began to shine, she knew about the role the station in the Dominion War and relations between the Cardassians and Federation was still catchy at best. Also Starfleet wanted to re-open diplomatic relations with the Dominion Empire on the other side of the wormhole.

At this time most of the original crew of DS9 and the USS Defiant had been reassigned or had retired from Starfleet. Aria was working under the command of Commander Thomas Cooke who was the Stations Chief of Tactical Operations. Aria found is unusual to have a seperate security force and tactical force, this was due to the Bajoran's running the security under Constable Odo.

In 2389, two years after she joined DS9; Aria was temporarily assigned to the USS Paladin as the Assistant Chief Tactical Officer on an Diplomatic Mission into Dominion Space. She was tasked with managing the secondary weapons console when something very bad happened. There had been political instabilities in the Dominion Empire since the Dominion War and several Jem'Hadar had broken off from the rule of the founders, since then they had been raiding other planets and civilizations in the search for Ketracel White.

One group of six Jem'Hadar attack ships attacked the USS Paladin. They still believed that the Federation had no right in the Gamma Quadrant and wanted to take the Defiant as a prize. The suprise attack pretty much crippled the Paladin. Aria had blacked out for several minutes from an impact to the head. She woke to find most of the bridge crew injured and the ship starting to drift.

She quickly jumped into action and managed to re-raise the shields. Luckily due to her actions all of the bridge crew survived and Aria discovered that even at the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade she was the only bridge officer that hadn't been badly injured or had to be taken to sickbay. Cooke told her to step upto the plate and take temporary command of the ship, if possible she was told to get the Paladin back to Deep Space Nine.

That is what Aria did. She jumped into the command chair and diverted weapons power to the chair's side consoles. . She felt like it was her duty to defend his ship and to get the crew back to the station. She saw space as a chess board and remembered what Willis had taught her. Using her tactical knowledge and her intelect she managed to destroy four of the Jem'Hadar ships and fool the other two.

The Paladin limped home and Aria handed back the reigns to the ships Executive Officer once he returned from sickbay several hours later. Due to her actions aboard the Paladin and her excellent strategic style she was awarded a medal of bravery as she peformed beyond her duties that day. She was also recommended for a promotion and a chief spot. Aria didn't want to leave Deep Space Nine, however she was convinced by a Starfleet Commodore that she was needed elsewhere, apparently the deal also involves fresh Peach Buns.

Aria was then promoted to the rank of Full Lieutenant and assigned to the USS Excalibur which was a strategic command ship of the Eighteenth Fleet. Commodore Williams accepted Aria as the ships Tactical Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security. Aria liked this new assignment as she was tasked with managing several starships across a sector.

The Excalibur was also a carrier style of Starship so Aria was assigned to running the Tactical Information Center aboard the ship. She found the job much to her tastes as she somehow discovered an ability to command people in battle. She made a point to move the ships and fighters under her like chess pieces and she was known by many of the people in the TIC as "Aria the Quadra, Master Chess Player". A nickname she wasn't too fond of.

It was aboard the Excalibur that she made her biggest mistake of her career. One she still blames herself for even to this day. The Excalibur and the Eighteenth Fleet was actively engaging a terrist faction which had been raiding the outer Federation worlds. Aria was ordered to send in three wings of fighters to eliminate the enemy carrier ship. Aria did as she was told, but she noticed that the there was a vulenerability in their flanks.

Aria noticed that a Starfleet Base had been left undefended. Commodore Williams had also noticed but had decided to ignore it. Being a man who had been through several of Starfleet's Wars he considered the base an 'acceptable loss' in order to eliminate the terrorists. Aria disgareed and actively argued over the Comm System about it. Eventually Williams ordered Aria to leave the base undefended as it could be a trap and send all forces towards the carrier.

Aria lost her temper and instead ordered for the fleet to split. She sent half of the starfighters to defend the base and the other half to attack the carrier. Once Commodore Williams found this out he rushed down to the TIC and demanded to know what she was trying to do. Aria informed him that she was in charge of the fighters and his place was on the bridge. After a twenty minute argument they both watched in horror as it took a turn for the worst.

Both fleets of starfighters were cut to pieces as the enemy had been one step ahead. The Excalibur and the Eighteenth fleet had to withdraw because they were now defenceless. The base which Aria had been so determined to protect was destroyed along with three other Starfleet Installations and colonies which the Eighteenth fleet had been tasked with protecting.

Commodore Williams stripped Aria of her position and threw her off the ship at the nearest starbase. He didn't strip her of rank but put a black note in her file about the incident. He told her face to face that if she ever took a step on his ship again or disobeyed his orders again than she would be working back on that Orange Farm with her useless parents and will have no right working in Starfleet again. This is where Aria hit him across the face, called him an old fool and said she never wanted to see him or his ship again. She walked away having the last say, and somehow managed to get away with it.

After nearly six months of applying and waiting Aria managed to get a position aboard the USS Ragnarok as their Chief of Combat Operations. It wasn't a command ship like she had been on, but she saw it as a new chapter in her book. She blamed Commodore Williams for what she had become, and she still feels angered and disappointed in herself for what happened on the Excalibur. But now it was time to move on.
Service Record 2380 - 2384 Starfleet Academy [Security & Tactical Training] - Cadet
2384 - 2387 USS Lexington [Junior Security Officer] - Ensign
2387 - 2389 Deep Space Nine/USS Paladin [Assistant Chief of Tactical Operations] - Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2391 USS Excalibur [Chief Tactical Strategic Operations and Security Officer] - Lieutenant
2391 - ???? Starbase Typhon [Chief of Security]