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Tue Jun 21st, 2016 @ 6:16am

Lieutenant William Huxley

Name William James Huxley

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 168
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description He keeps his hair cut short and is clean shaven. A scar on his lower right leg from a combat wound received early in his career.


Spouse Lavinia
Children Daughter: Aurelia (14) Son: Alessio (8)
Father James
Mother Amelia
Sister(s) Kirsten Dabney, Amelia Parham
Other Family Rory Parham, Cyrus Dabney, Cleora Huxley, Gervas Nesbitt, Eulalia Huxley, Sage Helton, Imani Gallagher, Laszlo Gallagher

Personality & Traits

General Overview William prefers to approach a problem through troubleshooting and trial and error. His hands on approach to life influenced his decisions to become a pilot and later on an engineer. While not fully trusting of those in the Intel community, he has learned how to be amiable towards the. William will lead by example, while at the same time giving those under him plenty of leeway to do their job. He isn’t usually the first one to volunteer for a leadership position, but has no problem stepping up to the plate if the need arises.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Flexible, Open Minded, Objective, Honest
Weakness: Absent-Minded, stubborn, and Sometimes condescending
Ambitions As XO of a starship, he would like to make successful first contact with a never before known species. William would like to be involved in creating a new shuttlecraft from the ground up.
Hobbies & Interests Flying, Chess, Mystery Holo-Novels, Fiddle
Languages English, Vulcan

Personal History William was born at Vega Colony on Earth’s moon. Growing up he learned how to fly shuttlecraft at an early age. During his teens he would race others in shuttlecraft. However the craft used were old and would frequently break down, forcing the racers to make their own repairs.

Starfleet Academy:
In 2368, William joined Starfleet Academy just after his 18th birthday. His original intent was to major in engineering with a minor in flight control. However, with clouds of war gathering on the horizon, he chose a different course of study; majoring in flight control, with a minor in operations. The summer before his senior year, William went to the Marine Advanced Combat Pilot Academy, for some additional training as a fighter pilot. This was not the full course, but rather a condensed summer session designed to give cadets an overview of combat tactics.

After his sophomore year William married lifelong friend Lavinia Gallagher.
Service Record:
Upon Graduation from Starfleet Academy in 2372 he was assigned to the USS Thunderbolt, NCC 73051 as a fighter pilot. During the Dominion War he served as a fighter pilot, participating in most major engagements of the war. After the destruction of the Thunderbolt towards the end of the war, Huxley was temporarily assigned to the Akira class, USS Dragon. After the end of hostilities, William made the decision to re-enroll at Starfleet Academy to pursue a career in engineering.

In 2375, William returned to Starfleet Academy to study Engineering. As he had originally minored in operations and was focusing on just engineering classes, William was able to complete his education in just over two years time. As expected he was once again assigned to the USS Thunderbolt, with a few changes. He was now an engineer aboard the Excalibur Class ship, which was assigned to the Federation side of the DMZ with the Cardassions. In 2379 he was reassigned to Starbase G-6, near Betazed, where he served as part of the engineering team until transferring to the Ben-Nevis as Chief Engineer. After the destruction of the Ben-Nevis, William transfered to the Callisto along with most of the crew. In 2384 he transferred positions onboard the Callisto to become the Chief Operations officer.

He remained with the Callisto until 2391 when he transferred to SB Typhon to head their Operations Division. While he enjoyed his time on the Callisto, both William and Lavinia felt it was best for the children if the family moved to a Starbase or planetary base.
Service Record 2368-2372: Cadet @ Starfleet Academy

2372-2374: Fighter Pilot: USS Thunderbolt

2374-2375: Fighter Pilot: USS Dragon

2375-2377: Starfleet Academy Engineering Program

2377-2379: Engineer: USS Thunderbolt-B

2379-2382: Chief Engineer: USS Ben-Nevis

2382-2384: Chief Engineer: USS Callisto

2384-2387: Chief Operations Officer: USS Callisto

2387-2391: Chief Operations Officer/ 2XO: USS Callisto

2391-Present: Chief Operations Officer SB Typhon