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Mon Oct 26th, 2015 @ 1:09pm

Lieutenant Ivy Malaxi

Name Ivy Malaxi [Mabrade]

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cygneti (Cygnet XIV)
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 5 in.
Weight 124 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Ivy keeps her attire flattering but in a way precise, she will be in more 'flowing materials off duty and keeps her hair loose off duty. Her eyes always have a sparkle to them and she smiles a lot. Her buxom figure is more like an athlete. She manages a jovial smile or a cute smirk most of the time.

She often takes more flattering clothing, she walks with a balance that is from her Gymnastics past. Her redest of hair and green eyes are her trademark, rare even among her people. She will seem moody on her clothing choices in changing between skirt, dress or slacks with an always flowing top.


Spouse None
Father Evon
Mother Mirna
Sister(s) Nira (Older)
Seka (Middle)

Personality & Traits

Personal History Cygnet XIV is a female dominated planet that had programmed the Federation Computers prior to the Binar coming into the Federation. Being the youngest Sister of three she tended to get away with more than her sisters as the 'Baby.'

What soon became apparent is Ivy's love of the world around her; she began to study the flora and fauna at first seeming to admire the beauty of things and along with her 'Computer Training' she became exposed more to the sciences than the usual Engineering as her two sisters.

Growing up Ivy showed promise in her studies yet she had a fun streak through her; she preferred a little mischief to the; what she deems, boring. She is not one for practical Jokes but more of one to use 'sheer fun' during events. She would introduce the game to everyone she knows just to have a crowd. She loves to share the fun but add some 'angle' to the game she deems needed, not always favorable. Not a practical Jester as she may seem she is just really making it fun for her as well as others.

She had a love of Animals especially a type of Horse like breed on her home planet; she became an avid rider and even somewhat of a daredevil.

Graduating her “Studies' began when she was young; as tutors and real life application system were what her people use rather than a traditional 'School' format. This would come later to cause her problems; the 'class work would not set well with her.

Upon being accepted to the Academy she found herself not in Engineering as her two sisters on her Home World but the Science training. Several letters or reprimand from many of her 'Male' counterparts put her on a quick path to being drummed out. It was a Counselor during a routine screening that realized her culture did not take men all that seriously.

'The Cygneti are the opposite of the Ferengi, their motto could easily be adapted from a Rule of Acquisition, never do business with Males.' Is the report that her instructors were given; Being that few of the Cygneti actually join other than consultants her schedule was adapted to dominant female instructors and her true skills and intelligence were recorded and she ended in the top ten percent of her class.

USS Archimedes is a training ship and ill prepared for Ivy's way of thinking. She was adapt at her sciences and her mastery of the Sensors came to early note, she seemed to know the sensors better than her other Cadets. What they found is her habit to Giggle or Chuckle was taken as an attept for her to distract or make fun of the situation yet again the Counselor observing noticed it only to be her nature and fact she had problems taking her male counterparts seriously. She began to learn to respect ranks more than the person in cases of her male interactions.

It was on the USS Keplar she became into her own as a Science Officer, quickly mastering the sensory systems aside from her inherent 'knowledge' of computers, she could easily analyze data nearly as fast as the computer it seemed and in some cases faster. The one 'joke' that went awry was her changing the computerized voice of the ship. The standard voice she said seemed to lack personality and made an adaptation closer to one in the early 2150 era. The voice modulation had a sultry and quite 'human' like tone but the 'personal' inflections to the male members of the crew and the tendency for it to 'giggle' gave her 'sabotage' away before even a computer analysis confirmed her name on the adapted computer programming. Her explanation simply stated that the 'mechanical style and unnaturally lack of variation in the voice broke her concentration.

After the 'Computer' incident on the Keplar Malai transferred; both for her career and personal interactions with other crew to the USS Montgomery. There was a strong banning of her to make any 'Adaptations' to the computer. Malaxi appeared to get past her troubles with the Computer voice and was noted in her skills enough to try a hand as Lead Science Officer for Gamma Shift where her actions might not be so 'adversly' affected on the crew. And a female Second Officer being in Command kept Malxi seemingly out of trouble. Her noting of a Ion Storm starting quite unexpected allowed the ship to avoid greater damage. When asked how she had gotten the conclusions before the computer projections she simply replied, even a hurricane announces itself as a subtle wind at first.'

It was a promotion in her favor to Assistant Science Officer; and a lack of reprimand that earned her a position on the USS Hawkings. Here Malxi seemed to thrive for the beginning; her tendency to add 'cute' tags such as 'dear', sweetie' and even some earth dialects became over-looked. Her skill with the computer and sensors became finally eplained; as with binar Malxi could read raw data and the speed of a humanoid brain is far greater than any computer which explained her ability to translate Computer data so quickly. She had a set of friends in a Binar pair; it was a joke she had romantic interests in the pair and bets were made if she would make it a physical relationship? It was innocent enough but she enahced her knowledge of Computers and gave some insights to the Binars as well. She also was quick to learn their language as it pertained to computers.

The slot on the USS Palamedes was offered to Malxi; she consulted her 'friends' and with reluctance to leave them transferred as her leaving opened the way for the Binars to replace her as assistant Science Chief. Malaxi took the transfer and was quiet ; quite surprisingly, in her taking the position. She brought 'her' staff to speed and tried to be friendly even to the males until they compete with her in some professional way. She gave them 'tags' but listens to them according to their ranks and specialties in the department. She still has a problem while on the Bridge to giggle as the datum is analyzed and she is in deep thought and she will make inquires to the female crew on first thought.

One day is the hope she might take Males serious as equals but no one is really betting on it. Her skills as Science Officer are what keep her as a 'tolerated' member of the crew.
Service Record Star Fleet Academy
USS Archimedes: Cadet Cruise
USS Keplar:Science Officer
USS Montgomery : Gamma Shift Lead
USS Hawkings: Assistance Chief Science Officer
USS Palamedes: Chief Science Officer.
Starbase Typhon: Chief Science Officer