Lieutenant Sophia Odegaard

Name Sophia Elizabeth Odegaard

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Sophia is average height with long flowing red hair, and blue eyes that can attract you from a distance.

She has a tattoo of a sparrow on her right wrist.


Father Ambassador Tomas Odegaard
Mother Doctor Francessca Odegaard
Brother(s) Martin Odegaard
Sister(s) Elizabeth Odegaard

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sophia is fairly laid back and enjoys spending time with her Crewmates, she enjoys the Company of others and learning about their individuality.

She cares deeply about his job and understanding the various cultures in the Galaxy and why they are significant.

Unlike most in her line of work, Sophia isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if it comes to it.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is skilled in Diplomacy and speaks several languages and remains calm under intense situations.

However on the opposite side of the spectrum Sophia is not afraid to open her mouth if she feels a grievance has been made.
Ambitions She is considering opening her own private practice in Oslo once she retires from Starfleet, if not then will consider a Career in Diplomacy.
Hobbies & Interests When not on Duty she enjoys history and studying Alien Cultures.

Sophia also likes classic Earth music with a keen interest in Indie and Pop music. She also plays the Cello.
Languages English, Norweigen, Klingon, Andorian, Vulcan, Romulan

Personal History Sophia was born in 2355 Oslo, Norway. Her father was a Diplomat assigned to the Norwegian Embassy and her mother was a Civillian Doctor at Starfleet Medical.

Coming from a family of Medical Professionals and negotiators, it only seemed right that she explore Starfleet. And she enrolled in Starfleet Academy after High School choosing Psychology and Counselling Studies.

Upon completion of her studies she was Assigned to the USS Mandela as a Junior Counsellor. Sophia enjoyed this aspect of his Career, with the Mandela assigned to the Exploration of the Alpha Quadrant she was able to learn about various cultures.

She was transferred to Starfleet Medical in 2380 and promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, during this time she worked with Rehabilitating members of Starfleet affected by recent conflicts. she received praise for his commitment to helping those suffering from various Mental instabilities.

She briefly moved to USS Dauntless in 2383 before moving to the USS Gagarin 2385 with a promotion to Lieutenant. In 2387 the USS Gagarin was attacked by an unknown Ship and many of her Senior Staff were killed. Sophia was forced to take a temporary Command role as her acting Second Officer.

Due to the loss of several of the Senior Staff, Sophia remained on the Gagarin as the Second Officer with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander until 2388.

She took a brief hiatus to undertake additional Command Training as well System Operations.

Sophia returned to active duty in 2389 where she moved to Starfleet Medical once again and was promoted to Commander.

As of 2391 she is waiting to be reassigned.