
Name Karil

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 47

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 287 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Karil is of average height for an adult male Vulcan, with short blond hair and brown eyes which are constantly scanning his environment. He keeps himself in-shape with a well-rounded fitness regimen, spending an hour or so each day undergoing training simulations. His facial expressions are all fairly neutral, to be expected of a Vulcan, but they are not totally absent. It is- while difficult- possible to divine his internal state by watching his eyes.


Spouse Chaele (SFMC- Medical Corps- Healthcare Specialist)
Children Keida (17, Pre-Medical Student)
Ni'var (22, Artist)
Seylan (6)

All of Karil and Chaele's children are adopted.
Father Janik (bio)
Haro (adoptive)
Mother Tima (bio, deceased)
T'Seha (adoptive)
Sister(s) Rihan (bio)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Years in the V'Ket- Vulcan's international police force- have honed his physical and mental stamina and produced an even-tempered, observant individual. Karil's posture and language is casual and at ease, without the stiffness common to many homeworld-raised Vulcans, and this can put some people off. He is a bit of a nutrition freak, although- of note- he is not a vegetarian.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Karil is sharp-minded and sharp-tongued, his understanding of Federation Standard and off-world conduct is excellent and his ability to adapt to unusual surroundings is an advantage in his chosen profession. Karil is unusually empathetic when interacting with victims and civilians.

Weaknesses: As a Vulcan raised off-world, Karil's command of his inner emotions is not as pristine as most Vulcans. Karil possesses a blistering temper and he can come across as sarcastic when he is frustrated. This has caused him to be cited for insubordination on more than one occasion. He is not shy about his political opinions, and some may find him rather preachy.

Like all Vulcans, Karil is a touch-telepath, and scores a P8 on the TFI. He is a projective telepath. His experiences growing up without honing these abilities can cause him to "glitch out" at unpredictable moments, and makes his own experience interacting with his telepathy rather unsavory. He prefers not to use telepathy outside of his bond with Chaele.
Ambitions Paying it forward. Making a difference. Increasing his sphere of impact. To raise his children as best as he can, to be a good husband.
Hobbies & Interests Psychology, medicine, law, news & current events, reading, exercise & nutrition. Karil is more of a cerebral than physical person.
Languages In order of learning: Harish-Creole, Federation Standard, Modern Golic (Vulcan)

Personal History Karil was raised on Harishai Prime, a colony planet located in the Beta Quadrant which, through generations of immigration has evolved into an interstellar hub. Harishai is served by Starbase Meykalar, and the entire Hara sector is considered Non-Federation Aligned (NFA). Poverty was a way of life on Harishai, and Karil was not exempted from its reaches. As vre'kasht from Vulcan society, his parents were lost to the ways of logic and Karil spent most of his time fending for himself.

Fortunately, Karil was rescued from dire circumstances by a V'Ket raid, and relocated to the Shi'kahr city foster system on Vulcan when he was 16 years of age. Regrettably due to the time lapse between his age and receiving a'rie'mnu training Karil's mastery of logic would never be perfect, but he was able to tame his anger and violence into something constructive. He received a balanced education and the medical attention he required and he sought to dedicate his life to joining the V'Ket.

After receiving his secondary education degree at 19, he pursued university and studied criminal behavior and abnormal psychology (attaining his doctorate of psychology) before entering the V'Ket Khaisor training program at Ekran- a training camp seated deep in Vulcan's Forge.

VKK was much more physically intensive than anything Karil had experienced before, much like military training it eliminated the individual mindset and replaced it with one of unity and team-reliance. Each member of Ekran was expected to participate in the tal'oth ritual, in which one is expected to survive in the Forge for four months with nothing but a ceremonial dagger. This was seen as cleansing, dismantling and re-forming into a focused and secure individual. Karil had spent his formative years learning to survive, and found the tal'oth similar to his experiences on Harishai.

During the tal'oth ritual, one of Karil's fellow recruits died from a le-matya bite. He was sent home in a body bag, and his family was consoled by the knowledge that he had died an honorable death. Karil took his place after that as a fully fledged V'Ket officer, and was stationed at Kayvar in Shi'kahr- the violent crimes unit. Not many were picked for the task, but Karil's aptitude tests showed he would be suitable. Kayvar mostly dealt with vre'kasht and the mentally unbalanced, those Vulcan would have you believe did not exist, and it involved oft-extensive treks through V'tosh ka'tur areas of the Forge and the Vaikar deserts.

It was at this time that Karil met his husband Chaele, a prosecutor working out of Han'shir during a particularly harsh and lengthy case. Their initial meeting was filled with hostility and antagonism, but gradually they grew cordial toward one another and eventually the tension fizzled out into affection. Chaele was studying at the time for Starfleet's Marine Corps as a hospital corpsman, ready to move onto his secondary career- a stage in Vulcan life where one will often pursue an additional course of study and training in what a Terran would refer to as their middle age. Karil took a position as an adviser to the Federation Protection Service on Earth, working as a liaison between the Federation and the V'Ket on matters of Eridani security and interspecies cooperation. Karil found the position difficult and oft political, which usually resulted in bouts of aborted frustration and stagnation.

He did, however, enjoy the periods of time where he got to work from the FPS headquarters. It was this that inspired him to stay on Earth, and apply for the FPS training school. Karil was accepted and entered the 8-month long training course for Federation Protective Service agents. This ranged everywhere from civil and federal law, ethics, cultural diversity and sensitivity training, to hazardous materials handling and presenting evidence in moot court. Karil graduated the program with honors and moved to San Francisco, CA, to his office of assignment in the Critical Incident Response Group. With Chaele in Starfleet training, they were able to see more of one another and start a family with the adoption of Ni'var. Karil had some difficulties with the things he saw and dealt with every day in a more immediate, integrated fashion than on Vulcan and being able to rationalize proper parenting. He became somewhat hypervigilant and overprotective of Ni'var, magnified by his own upbringing. As he got more comfortable in his role he eased up.

Over the years Karil and Chaele adopted two more children, with Seylan being the most recent at 6 years of age. Due to Karil's experience in criminal behavior and critical response, he was selected as a supervisory special agent for the Frontier Operations Division (FOD) of the Federation Protection Service on Starbase Typhon. Karil decided to accept and moved to Starbase Typhon.
Service Record V'Ket Khaisor training program
Tal'oth graduation ritual
Kayvar, Shi'kahr city, Vulcan
K-567, Sas-a-Shar & Vaikar desert
Eridani-Federation Security Adviser, Federation Protective Services
Federation Protective Services training program
Critical Incident Response Group, FPS
Frontier Operations Division (FOD), FPS, Starbase Typhon