Commander Diego 'Zorro' Zavier

Name Diego 'Zorro' Zavier

Position Commander USS Odin

Second Position Commander USS Odin

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft 1 in
Weight 195 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue


Spouse Not one yet... but looking.
Father Don Alahandro
Mother Anna
Sister(s) Bunny Wigglesworth (Twin)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Diego is a flamboyant type personality; it is sometimes hard to tell what motivates this behavior as he is not overly egotistical nor is he arrogant. He has observational skills that he uses and his tactical mind is well honed. He effectively commands and motivates his subordinates well.

Sometimes he comes across scattered, his mind does appear to operate at a different level than most; he is personable and he is what the old Earth Term 'Metro man' in that he is obsessive of his appearance. There is a pride that he takes on when in uniform that is apparently discarded when he is not on duty. Diego has said it is like a mask of Command; his duty that he must keep a front up, is lost when off duty.

Off duty he is more flamboyant in his character; exhibiting that Latin flair that is his heritage; sometimes to a fault, he does seem a bit clumsy but once in some conflict he is more at home with himself. He is clever at times when needed and then when calm becomes absent minded again. It is his strong Latin Accent that makes him the hardest to understand, he tries to use federation standard but the translator would be easier if he spoke Spanish.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Brave
+ Good Tactical Mind
+ Adaptable

- Bad accent when speaking Standard
- sometimes clumsy
- Thinks 'other' are the weird ones.
Hobbies & Interests Reading
Bull whip

Loves to woo women
Languages Spanish , Fed Standard,

Service Record Academy