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Tue Mar 1st, 2016 @ 10:39pm

Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag

Name Koroth son of Morag

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 62

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5
Weight 280
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description An aging Klingon who'd indulgence in blood wine in his younger days is beginning to show.


Spouse Lorgh daughter of Keppa
Children K'tan
Father Morag son of Kheldas
Mother K'nera daughter of T'lak
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Various aunts and uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Koroth is like any typical Klingon who laughs at weakness and revels at strength.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Honorable, loves a challenge
-Thick headed, stubborn
Ambitions To die in glorious battle
Hobbies & Interests Bat'leth battles, medical journals, amoebas , bacteria, extreme water polo
Languages Klingon, Federation Standard

Personal History Born in 2330 on a Klingon colony to his parents Morag and K'nera, Koroth had a normal Klingon upbringing. He joined the Klingon Defense Force at 17 as a combat medic. He worked his way up through the ranks and by 2367 had made Chief Medical Officer on the IKS Kahless, This is where his career took a interesting turn. During battle drills along the Romulan neutral zone, a plasma imbalance had occurred causing a warp core breach to begin. The ship was evacuated and exploded with only few lives lost. The pods remained in space for 3 days before a federation starship, the USS Crazy Horse, arrived and rescued the crew. Most of the crew had died from faulty escape pods because, you know Klingons, leaving Koroth one of the remaining few. He spent 3 weeks on board the Crazy Horse and in those three weeks he gained a new understanding for Humans and Starfleet all together. From that moment on he decided Starfleet would be a new glorious adventure. He applied for a commission to starfleet and was accepted by the academy in 2368. He took the 3 year course offered by starfleet given to those who have previous experience in other military organizations and once his 3 years were complete he went to starfleet medical. 4 years later he graduated and was assigned to the USS Ivanov as a medical officer with the rank of ensign in 2375. He served on board the Ivanov for remaining year of of the Dominion war. Two years of hell as most put it. The Ivanov saw many battles and Koroth saw many wounded and dead, enough to cause most people to lose it but not him. He was a Klingon and Klingons love that sorta stuff. His dedication was noted and he was offered the position of assistant chief medical officer in 2380 on board the USS Dauntless. He served on board the dauntless for 12 years until finally he decided he wanted to head his own department and applied for the position on Starbase Typhon in 2392. He was accepted and granted the rank of Lieutenant. He still serves to this day.
Service Record Various Klingon Defense Force Starships
IKS Kahless
USS Ivanov
USS Dauntless
Starbase Typhon