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Wed Mar 15th, 2023 @ 1:27pm

Commander Ashe Rii'Na

Name Ashe Lanari Rii'Na MD

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Rii'Na has a soft but sultry look to her. Some would overlook her because of her height; but her hourglass figure, the deep brown hair and strong blue eyes would catch the attention of most who actually meet her gaze. Toned and fit she is a picture of grace, power and beauty. Her shoulder length brown hair is usually pinned back but can be left down when in a good mood. As is the traditional custom she wears her family earring with pride and never does her hair in any way to cover it. She has a very soft smile, her dimples will show through if someone makes her smile enough; showing off her rather high cheek bones. She embraces her curves but thinks her best asset is her eyes.

One thing from her past is a scar to her right shoulder at the point where her collarbone and right arm meet. A rather rough, through and through scar that had been repaired as best as could be done at the time.


Father Rii'Na Na'rshan
Mother Rii'Na Ve'shal
Sister(s) Rii'Na Shall'ya

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rii'Na Ashe is a strong willed Bajoran and rather soft person. Highly passionate but quite shy and has a tendency to especially shy away from strong personalities and strong men. Eager to perform her job well and to the best of her ability. Keeps herself in shape and at her peak. One of her biggest wishes it to be treated like most other girls and to be handled rather gently. Strong in faith and in mind, she is always striving for her personal peak.
Strengths & Weaknesses * Passionate to a fault; it can often get her into trouble and a few arguments.

* Self sacrificial; has a tendency to go above and beyond the call of duty at the detriment to herself. Believes the the prophets will protect her and so she is not really 'going over board'.

*Is highly dedicated, sometimes too much so. To the point of blocking out most things around her.

* Is a perfectionist; out of necessity rather than habit. Can get very 'jittery' if things go wrong, she will back away and almost seem subservient.

*Will follow orders to the letter unless they will put others under threat. The only person she would ever put into the 'firing line' would be herself.

*Loyal to her crew; to the point of considering them family, she is one that will do almost anything for family and so her self sacrificial nature would come to the fore.
Hobbies & Interests - Karate

- Dancing

- Reading (Proper books)

Personal History Had a rather normal childhood to the age of sixteen, when she was snatched off the street and turned into a Bajoran 'Bed Warmer'. A small band of Rogue Cardassians grabbed her and used her for slave labor and the usual 'personal favours' until they tired of her and passed her along to the next master.

To this day, Ashe cannot exactly stand Male Cardassians; females are far easier to tolerate and had not exactly wronged her, the males on the other hand seemed to be the biggest pieces of scum she had ever come across.

The biggest of these is Gal'Nor. This was a Cardassian who thought he could do no wrong, that thought of Ashe warming his bed as a normal part of a relationship and was doing his upmost to try and convince Rii'Na that this was very normal. That stabbing people was normal. hitting them around or dictating what they wore or how they smelt was 'in her best interests'. Her shoulder scar was considered 'a bonding mark' by him and he used to brag to others about how open she was and just how nicely she catered to his needs.

In reality, she fought tooth and nail to stay out of his bed and wanted to be as far away from that slime as she could manage. Biting, scratching and hitting; Gal'Nor almost seemed to be considered to be foreplay. She is reminded of this every time she sees her bare shoulders and wishes that, that chapter of her life would stop haunting her. It would take a miracle to part the scar and her, as it was done in such a way that she would never truly heal and always have the reminder, wherever she went.

It wasn't until Rii'Na made it to her fourth master that she was freed during a raid by Starfleet.

Eventually enrolled in Starfleet and was lacking in a main focus until she was in a minor collapse incident and met a nurse. It was then she went into Starfleet medical and became a Nurse. Her first big assignment was to the Daystrome Institute as a nurse. She noted that the researchers had a tendency to have things blow up in their face quite badly.

She still keeps her medical training up to date but was convinced to take other routes for working in Starfleet. It was at that point that she sought the advice of the Prophets.

She was eventually redirected into command and has worked her way up ever since. It has not been an easy road and her past does not always help her, but Rii'Na Ashe always tries to make the best of the situation she is in.

Eventually Ashe would move out of command and back into her medical capacity. Command did not exactly lisr it's shine, it was more that Ashe found someone else that shone brighter.