
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Thu Aug 4th, 2016 @ 12:09am

Crewman Sonos Danat

Name Sonos Danat Mr

Position Civilian

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 1.93 m (6'-4")
Weight 86.2 kg (190 lbs)
Hair Color Black, starting to grey
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall and lean, he carries himself in a proud, but not overly-stiff manner. He is careful to always be presentable, with pressed pants and shirt, and polished boots. His thick black hair is starting to turn grey, and is long enough to be slicked back in the current fashion.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Limar Danat (deceased)
Mother Reka Danat (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Cousin TBD

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sonos takes great pride in a job well done and values precision and order in his work. He can be a little obsessive compulsive, and has the reputation of a workaholic, often staying until the current job is finished to his satisfaction. This does not always grant him love from his fellow workmates, nor those working under him. Sonos has no desire to run his own operation, rather he is content working for others, so long as they allow him to the room to ‘do the job right’. Although outwardly he is always all-business, he enjoys procuring items that are typically hard to get, and has no problems working with the black market to find them. To this end, he often collects information about various sources.
Rule of Acquisition #7 “Always keep your ears open.”
Rule of Acquisition #44 "Never confuse wisdom with luck."
Rule of Acquisition #59 “Free advice is seldom cheap.”
Rule of Acquisition #74 “Knowledge equals profit.”
Rule of Acquisition #98 “Every man has his price.”
Rule of Acquisition #177 “Know your enemies...but do business with them always.”
Strengths & Weaknesses Photographic memory, meticulous record-keeper, excellent organizational skills; appears cold and is not very likable, prefers solitude to social interaction, can’t stand a mess
Ambitions ‘Doing the job right’, keep his department organized and efficient
Hobbies & Interests Cards, chess, organizing everything, hunting down hard-to-get items, reading mysteries
Languages Cardassian, Federation standard, Ferengi, Vulcan, smattering of other partial languages

Personal History From an underprivileged family, Sonos was not privy to any special education or opportunities. He was headed for an uneventful life as a waste disposal ‘technician’ like his father. When he was 16, and his father arranged for him to go with a family friend who worked on a Ferengi freighter as a Cargomaster. Since the captain did not want to pay for more hands, the Cargomaster convinced him to allow for an ‘apprentice’ who would work without pay.

Although Sonos didn’t find the Ferengi much to his liking, he worked aboard the ships for several years. He learned quickly and was soon advanced to a paid hand, lest some other captain make him the offer first. Over time he served on three other Ferengi vessels, gaining knowledge in the underground workings of commerce.

Eventually he grew tired of working for the Ferengi and took a job with a Cardassian corporation instead. However, because of his lack of formal education and his family’s low status he was not treated overly well, and he did not remain with the corporation for long. Within a year he left to work for as an independent contractor. This eventually found him work on a small space station on the edge of Vulcan space, resupplying ships. He did well there, renewing his contract twice, until the Vulcan commander of the station discovered that he had procured some items through less than “reputable” suppliers. Despite his good service, Sonos was dismissed from his position.

Not long after his dismissal, he was contacted by an old acquaintance who told him about a former smuggler who was going legit and looking to crew his ships. Sonos met Khiy less than a month later, and began working for him shortly thereafter.
Service Record 2365-2379 - Served aboard several Ferengi freighters as first an apprentice, then a paid Cargo Handler, and later as a Cargo Master.

2379-2380 - 8 month service as a mid-level Cargo Handler.

2380-2385 - Served on a Vulcan resupply station as the Logistics Officer.

2386-2391 - Served aboard various TGT vessels.

2391 - Currently serving aboard the TGT vessel Morning's Wake as the Logistics Officer.