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Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 8:43pm


Name Drake

Position Owner

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Unknown (Chameloid)
Age Unknown

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8 1/2" Subject to change with form, will not exceed 7'
Weight Subject to change with form, will not exceed 350 lbs
Hair Color Brown (Subject to Change)
Eye Color Yellow (Subject to Change)
Physical Description He is usually seen wearing black, red, and gray. Usually in a suit or long coat and always a cane. He has several forms, a lot of which not many know about. To first have a specific form he needs pictures of the subject and a recording of the voice. It takes him a few seconds to minutes to have a perfect form of the person and voice down perfect. From there all he needs to do is focus on the form and he changes into it, without a flaw. Even though his outer appearance chances, his internal structure (I.E. organs and blood) stay the same. He has trained himself to just be able to chance his vocal cords to certain voices, as long as he has heard and practiced it ahead of time. He needs to have listened to a recording of it and have spent the time to work on it.


Spouse Unknown
Children Unknown (Draco 'Drake' McMahon)
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown (Sandra McMahon: Deceased)
Brother(s) Unknown (Duncan McMahon: Deceased)
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown (Daugther-in-Law: Cassidy McMahon, Sick and Hospitalized. Granddaughter: Melissa McMahon, Missing/Runaway. Grandson: Lieutenant Malcolm McMahon, Marshal on Inti Colony)

Personality & Traits

General Overview You will always find him at his establishment called “Saints & Sinners” or on board his personal runabout called “The Dragonfly”. He has fast hands and an even faster wit, so you will usually see him getting in trouble for his “smart mouth”. However, its said that if you don’t see him it doesn’t mean he isn’t around. Drake will generally keep an eye on someone or something in one form or another

Drake is a slick talking. It is said that he always has an agenda. He believes in an honor code, so even thought he is sneaky and manipulative, he is a man of his word. Some of the times anyway. He developed a habit of always looking for an escape route. He make keep one a charming face, but if the event a raises, he always has a backup plan. He likes to be well informed and has a knack for getting information though “special means“
Strengths & Weaknesses +Quick with his hands
+Slick Talker
+Can Mimic anyone from a 6th year old to a senior citizen.
+Great Flyer
+Good at Martial Arts
+Great at forging signatures, paintings, and sculptures
-Not good with a phaser
-Owes a lot of people money and objects
-Can’t tolerate bad treatment of woman or children
-Sometimes just acts on impulse
-Can be Overconfident
-Cautious and Secretive

Form Traits
Nausicaan Male: Mainly used for intimidation purposes and strength. Although he is strong in this form, he is not as quick.
Old Efrosian Male: Mainly used to hide with. Normally you never look twice at an old person.
Little Humanoid Girl: Mainly used for her being young, thin, and small. Normally he uses this form to hide in small areas, get out of restraints and to avoid attention.
Caitian Female: Mainly used for quickness, agility, and to see in the dark. This form is generally used for night work and robberies that require stealth.
Ferengi Male: Mainly used for cracking safes and better hearing. Like actual Ferengi’s, his hearing is acute. Being able to hear through electronic distortion, atmospheres and altitude changes, and the decibel level of a sound. Also like actual Ferengi’s his ears become a liability because they are sensitive to pain.
Romulan Female: Mainly used for his dealings in the neutral zone and with Romulans. Because the romulan form he uses doesn’t have the brow ridges, often it is mistaken for a Vulcan, it all depends on how he works the characters personality.
Ambitions To be rich enough to own his own moon and make his own pleasure planet.
Hobbies & Interests Various art work (paints and sculptures), Electronics, Photography, Dancing, Singing, Gambling, Card Tricks, Street Magician Tricks, Practical Jokes, Shuttlecrafts, Observing People
Languages A variety

Personal History Unknown Drake (Or his Unknown full name:Drake McMahon) can’t remember most of his past. It had been so long since he had thought about it but some of the key points he remembers are the parts that are most important to him. He remembers being raised by his mother. His father was never in the picture. Both he and his mother struggled to survive. She never had much to do as far as work and Drake restricted himself to studying from books and not in an actual school. The main reason because they wouldn’t accept him because of what he was.

Drake had used his Chameloid ability at an early age. Changing into various children to escape being cause with something he stole. This really came in handy when he took something and wondered into a shopping center. He would change into a child he saw and then, when the child would wonder off from his or her parents, he would appear and pretend to be them. This small trick would only work for so long, because at this age, he couldn’t keep the change going. As he grew up, the changes stayed longer and longer, until he could hold them for a whole day, maybe even longer without having to change back.

He spent a lot of time dealing with various races and alliances that required his special talents. Drake would usually be hired to steal items or obtain intelligence for a certain price. He has even has been paid to forge or make a duplicate of an object, in order to sell or obtain the real one for a buyer. He has never gone as far as being considered a hired killer, although when the need calls for it he can defend himself. He doesn’t like phasers, but will pick one up if he needs to. He feels his talents are better suited for sophisticated and “worth wild” challenges. Drake is has had some deals gone bad which he lead to him have small bounties on his head for certain alliances, but there is no one better then Drake when it comes to what he can do.

During one of his dealings, he stole a personal runabout in order to escape from law enforcement officials. This lead to him gaining his own small ship which he has dubbed “The Dragonfly.” The ship itself has been fit with small modifications that has helped and been proven useful for Drake in his dealings. It has its own cloaking device, which was salvaged during the Federation Romulan War. He also added a few modifications to engines, shields, and sensors. The slight boost to the shields and engines help with critical escapes. The modifications to the sensors allow him to scan planets and ships to get intricate specifications and layouts in order to help him steal whatever it is he wants to or was paid to steal.

After spending some time, moving from planet to planet, he came across something that would help him improve his shifting abilities. An alien race made a machine that makes 3D images and displays them a flat screen display. The device was created to take scans of people and things. It then shows a three dimensional image of whatever was photographed and displays it, in detail. This device was meant to be used for doctors to take pictures of injuries and to display them accurately to better determine how to proceed with a procedure. It works, in tandem, with a portable scanning device. Drake, managed to steal these devices and their schematics, in an attempt to sell it over the black market. With the plans to the device, he was able make a copy of a scanner into a camera that works in the same manner as the portable scanner. It takes several images at once in order to help produce the 3D image on the display. Using this device, he takes pictures of people he plans on changing into or objects he plans on stealing.

After a few run ins with the Orion Syndicate, Drake decided it was time to lay low. He went to the colony of New Kowloon, having forged a fake, but flawless, business license. There he spent a few days running con’s until he played a card game with a local merchant who had planned on opening up a restaurant on Starbase Phoenix. Through his own luck, and sleight of hand, he won the deed to the property on the Starbase. A few more forgeries and then he was now in business. He now uses the new Saints & Sinners Club as a means of business and brokering deals. While he hides from his enemies, he relies on the goodness of the Federation’s heart to keep him safe and rich.

After years and years of hiding Saints & Sinners is now reopened with a new location and design on board Starbase Typhon. Seemingly under new management, but not really, the club provides much more variety. Although it seems like gives clientele much more variety, it still holds the same secrets. Hidden camera, recorders, and a secret back room which is opened to the Elite that provides secrecy and gambling.
Service Record No service record, but a Criminal Record. That’s another story!