
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue May 24th, 2016 @ 12:38pm

Lieutenant Bernard (Barney) Phillips

Name Bernard (Barney) Alvin Phillips

Position Equipment Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 10
Weight 170
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Phillips is a thin man who has a round face with pronouced cheeks and an expression that is pleasent but nothing much above average. He would best be described as 'average' and one that tends to mold into a crowd.. When smiling he has a warmth like he is family but nothing actually outstanding about him.


Spouse No takers
Father Gerald
Mother Mame
Brother(s) Duffy

Personality & Traits

General Overview Phillips is a friendly type of persona that is best described as recessive; he tries on many occasions to avoid conflict. He has a brilliant mind that can explain himself in technical terms but when having to emotionally express himself he has difficulty. He emotionally expresshimself in very technical terms and his mind is in a constant motion.

Phillips has the kind of focus that allow his analysis of things to be precise and able to formulate conclusions quickly. He is more of a technical genius, to him the creations of things to help with a conclusion of the mission. Tries to make gadgets with his version of common sense.

Phillips has a larger than average fear of being hurt, he will do almost amazing feats to avoid it. His actual pain threshold is high, Medical reports of his few injuries show he complained equally over major or minor injuries.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Photographic memory
+ Analytical Mind
+ Technically talented
+ Creative thinker

- Recessive persona.
- Technically minded
- unique vantage point
- Hard to understand.
Ambitions To have the perfect equipment needed at the right time.
Hobbies & Interests Golf
Reading/ studying
Ballroom Dancing.
Steam Driven machines

“Plays a steam Punk type on Holodeck.
Languages fed standard, Binar, Ferengi.