Lieutenant Commander Remington 'Remy' Steel

Name Remington 'Remy' Steel

Position Division Head

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Gestari
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 176 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Remy is pretty fit and muscular. He has several scars on his body that each have a story of their own which he would be happy to tell someone, if they had the clearance. He only has one tattoo, which is made from a special kind of ink that only appears under a special light. Aside from his Starfleet Intel Uniform, Remy can often be seen in a variety of clothes, but most of the time he will be wearing some kind of t-shirt with a superhero emblem on it.



Personality & Traits

General Overview Remy is a very fast talking individual. He only comes off as intimidating when he chooses to be. He always carries with him a smirk, an aura of mystery, and a concealed weapon. He can either vanish into a crowd or stick out like a sore thumb. However, he is someone you can always depend on. Remy has a knack for getting out of situations and will refuse to leave without someone, quite often risking his life to get them back in the process. He may seem to be a man who has more one liners and jokes than someone straight out of an old fashion television series, but he makes up for it with his compassion for his team and passion for what he does.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Remy’s past is shrouded in mystery, but he has a variety of skills and talents he uses to his advantage. His species, the Gestari, are well known touch telepaths. However, he was born with the rare gift of telekinesis. Although he is telepathic, his telekinesis is his strongest ability and that is because of his insistence on training with it in order to hone it. He is very athletic. Trained in Parkour/Free running, Remy is agile and able to traverse his surrounds with an impressive ease. This comes in handy for outdoors and urban environments. This also helps him with his martial arts and combat training. He is skilled in various weapons (both bladed and hand held).

Weaknesses: Remy is often seen as a bit of a joker. He enjoys sprouting comic book/television style one liners and will sometimes quote them verbatim. Since his history is shrouded in mystery, it is difficult to known whether or not what he reveals is actually true or not. When angered, Remy can become a bit vindictive. Often losing control and becoming violent to the point where it may be frightening. He will be haunted by his past and has a tendency to hold onto grudges, often going about dealing with them alone and keeping people out of the loop.
Hobbies & Interests Comics Books and Movies. Historical Holoprograms, Holo novels, Cards, Cars, Women, Drinking, Weapons, Fighting, and Gambling
Languages A variety

Personal History CLASSIFIED
Service Record CLASSIFIED