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Sat Feb 11th, 2023 @ 12:02pm

Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo

Name Serena Etaine Giacomo

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Isisien (humaniod)
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 4" 11
Weight 98 lbs.
Hair Color dark red naturally often dyed other colors currently vivid blue
Eye Color dual colored silver grey right eye copper brown left eye
Physical Description At below average in height Serena is used to her hair catching notice before the rest of her. Her hair is naturally very curly, very deep red. She dyes it when it suits her mood or for a mission specification. hiShe is often on the move though not visibly muscular. She does enjoy swimming and other sports and has some scarring from mishaps as well as misadventures. Her eyes are two different colors naturally (grey right eye and copper brown left eye) and when the job calls for it she will wear lenses to change the color but she prefers avoiding that when she can as the lenses tend to irritate her eyes.

** Not known to all yet!**
In her feline form Serena looks like a large ginger furred turkish angora with silver right eye and golden yellow left eye.


Spouse none to date
Children none to date
Father Giovanni Giacomo (adoptive)
Mother Tannenn Locke Giacomo (adoptive)
Brother(s) Ricardo Giacomo (adoptive)
Carmine Russo Brother in law
Sister(s) Carrissa Giacomo-Russo (adoptive)
Other Family extended locke giacomo and russo family
Her biological family is unknown to her.
She does have a few aunts and uncles, cousins that are alive but are unaware of her being alive.

Personality & Traits

General Overview curious playful and a prankster when not working. she takes great pride in her work, be it going under cover to gather Information, or planting explosives in enemy territory, to bringing back POW or other folks of interest. she loves surprising folks and catching them off guard whether by appearing out of corners or by saying something unexpected. she is very loyal to those whom she trusts. Her temper when incurred is quite an experience in itself. though unless you've broken her trust completely she will forgive and forget but if her trust is broken however she will never willingly work with the person again and if forced to do so will be quite vocal about her displeasure. she does not often hold a person of rank in high regard often speaking before thinking through. has a soft spot about kids and some animals, cats ferrets foxes she tends to spoil when encountered. birds she finds distracting, some dogs she likes while others she will avoid like a plague. spiders she fears but does like to admit aloud.
Strengths & Weaknesses strong night vision
-sensitive to bright lights
above average sense of smell
-some pollen related allergies
+/- limited telepathy as in has to be in her visual range, either the person is a telepath or someone she either adores or truly hates with a passion otherwise she will not hear much than the odd word nor be able to send other than a few words.
+/-slightly small heart than compared to most humans
+/-slightly larger lungs than compared to humans
-is afraid of spiders and anything that is close to arachnid in shape or form
adores chocolate
really adores cheesecake
dr pepper or barqs root beer
Ambitions she is still figuring these out mostly for now doing her job and having fun doing it.
Hobbies & Interests swimming and other sports she loves to cook real food also enjoys crocheting but is not good at it at all she keeps trying though. her other pastimes including, going over explosives devices for practice, testing hersef through various obsticle courses and adores games or puzzles. holodeck adventures and gymnastics.(secret hobby is coloring pages from an artist called selina fenech).
Languages Italian Gaelic federation standard several others that she keeps for when needed.

Personal History Srena does not remember much of her past before Giovanni and Tannenn found her, she was hiding in an alley with other orphans, though she was hiding in her feline form, she spent eight weeks with giovanni and tannenn before she spoke and showed then she was a person and not a true feline. after the initial shock wore off: Giovanni and tannenn adopted serena and added to the names Etaine and their family name Giacomo to the only name she could remember being called serena...

Giovanni and tannenn were spies for the federation, him using his tenor singing as a cover she was a chef and barkeeper that tended to travel with Giovanni's circle. After the end of the dominion war they settled on earth and set about raising serena along with their older children whom had been in their grandparents care during the war,

serena proved to be quite intellectual and skipped thru most of her general schooling and applied to star fleet at the age of 14 after along with letters of recommendation (explanation to star fleet intelligence from her parents her request was granted. Her main focus was of no surprise intelligence and infiltration and extraction surprisingly good at the explosives training construction and disassembly. Very active in sports and chess challenges, when she was not pulling off a prank or twenty. She did take time to learn some security though focused on investigations as well as having a very basic engineering skills. she can do only very basic first aid and would rather be doing anything else if possible.

Her time on the streets has given her a weird sense of humor that Giovanni and tannenn did their best to temper through teaching her to cook..

** notes on her race **

**Notes about her race.**
Race originally Omegan but split off from the main group as they did not agree with the main group's goals, that being the defeat of Earth and Starfleet. Theses ex-Omegans traveled far and wide dropping off small groups on various human settlements before finding a new home deep in the far reaches of the Beta quadrant. They started calling themselves Isiseman, and left it at that. These people are in general of medium build and are varying in skin tone and color as any regular human. Their eyes are sometimes dual colored (heterochromia iridium) though more often than not they have eyes the same color like most humans. Usually only Isieman with parents having heterochromia iridium will get it as well but it usually skips generations. What makes these folks different from humans is very slight differences, very slightly smaller hearts, larger lung capacity. Telepathic neural pathways in their brains. They are naturally telepathic with each other and can hear thoughts of others with in these restrictions. Either within visual sight of the person whose thoughts they are meant to hear, have a connection of emotional sort from concern to love even hate if the person is considered an enemy. Otherwise they would not hear the thoughts unless there was extreme volume in the thought. Most are bright light sensitive. Their hearing is almost as good as a Vulcans. Their sense of smell is very strong and often leading to allergic responses to various pollens pollution and the like.

In general most Isiseman are playful curious folks that want to enjoy life, living. Intelligent and often capable of interesting creations but they don't often keep with their inventions. Some having tired of the rather tame existence, began traveling again some choosing to smuggle aboard star ships after riding in on various freighters to star bases. Being ship's cat having adventures with being able to come and go coming and go as they please. That is what sets the Isiseman apart the most the ability to go from human to cat and back again. The risks are strong though, any injuries that are gained in one form remain when returning to the other. Loose any eye as a cat it is lost when returning to human form.

The few Isiseman that have left their home over the years come back sharing tails and traveling stories. Some do not return having either died in a glorious misadventure or just choosing a new life elsewhere. The Isieman have recently begun negotiations to join the Federation, offering their small size, adventurous natures along, with a generous amounts of miszinite ore, to their list of offers,amoung others that they'd uncovered in previous years and have too little uses for. Currenly only three have officially gone through starfleet academy the others that have joined ships five to date have remained civilian additions.

End notes **

OOC: All based off of Isis who was the feline companion of Gary Seven from yhe original series episode Assignment Earth.
Service Record
general schooling age 6 through to age 12
age 14 to 18 star fleet academic courses
16 through 19 training and first assignment USS Sable
19 to 22 USS Edouard with transfer to USS Galahad which was covert operations and missions she is not supposed to discuss.

24 being reassigned as the Captain of the Galahad is taking his retirement and the ship is being decommissioned. All the crew are being reassigned after a shore leave at Typhon station...