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Thu Feb 28th, 2019 @ 3:55pm

Lieutenant JG Terry Wu

Name Terry Wu

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 158 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Terry is of short stature and medium build, with subtle definition and muscle tone. His coloration and facial features are decidedly Asian. He wears his black hair within regulation guidelines, although decidedly mussed when he's off-duty. He grins a lot, and even when he's not grinning, the sparkle in his dark brown eyes and the cast of his brow gives the impression that he's hiding a grin. There's a slight air of scruffiness and grittiness about him, but he knows how to toe the line.


Spouse No. NoooooHoHoHo. Just no.
Children Maybe. Who knows?
Father Warren
Mother May
Brother(s) Timothy

Personality & Traits

General Overview Terry can be a bit of a problem child. He's clever and he knows it. He'll also be sure to show off a little to make sure you can see just how clever he is. He tends to be a bit mouthy, and loves verbally sparring with friends and foes alike. This is actually a dodge to cover up some deep-seated insecurities. In more affable settings, he will settle in and enjoy friendly, good-natured camaraderie and banter, but sometimes his timing and choice of subject matter is remarkably inappropriate. He fumes under repression, and his rebellious side will find some way to emerge if he feels like someone is trying to keep him down. He doesn't make friends easily, but when he does, there isn't a whole lot he wouldn't do for them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Terry is a double threat on the bridge; able to work Operations and Flight Control with equal proficiency. He can make almost any computer his lapdog, is good at multi-tasking, learns quickly and he can do it all with a grin on his face and a smartalec quip on his lips. He's creative and quick-witted, even under fire. He can also seamlessly navigate the criminal underworld. He has a kind heart, believe it or not, but he has to like you a lot before you'll get to see it.

Weaknesses - He's insecure, thanks to being abandoned by every member of his family, and never got past wondering if he was the reason his father and brother left. He longs to impress and be praised by people who merit respect, but will bristle if he thinks someone is cracking the whip. A bored Terry Wu is never a good thing for anyone involved. He doesn't trust easy, and it's a long process before he lets anyone see the softer side of Terry. His first instincts in a crisis are to do things the underhanded and sneaky way, rather than following Starfleet protocol.
Ambitions He wants to do something that is legendary in its coolness. Something that other people will point at for years to come as an example of brilliance and inventiveness.
Hobbies & Interests Naturally, he's a tech nut. He loves all of the wonderful things that technology has to offer. He is a positronics hobbyist, collects computerized gizmos from many different races and governments, and is constantly pursuing side-projects, like writing new computer languages or modifying his PADDs with Chinese-themed casings. He's passingly versed in the martial arts, specifically with the equivalent of a green sash in monkey-style kung fu and the use of paired butterfly swords. He also plays the ukelele, "because someone has to."
Languages Fed Standard and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)

Personal History Terry was born in the year of the Rat, in the worst part of Manhattan Chinatown. Ironically enough, he was raised in a 200 year old, occasionally rat-infested tenement that was hardly meant to stand for so long. Although the Federation tries its best to care for all of its citizens, some invariably slip through the cracks, and Terry's family was one of those. His mother was a deserter from Starfleet, mistakenly declared dead when her ship was destroyed by an illegal Tholian subspace weapons test, and his father was a minor criminal offender who specialized in smuggling. Terry's mother, a computer technician who had escaped the destruction of her ship in a shuttlecraft a minute before her it was destroyed, traded the shuttle to the tong that Terry's father belonged to in exchange for covert passage back to her home on Earth. Somewhere along the way, Warren and May fell in love, and that was all she wrote.

Well, maybe that wasn't all she wrote, because Tim and Terry Wu happened along shortly thereafter. While their mother did daycare and other self-contained jobs within their new home, their father resumed his questionable activities, which kept him far from Earth on a regular basis. Although public education was available in the area, May decided to homeschool her children, and thus keep them off the Federation's radar.

Despite all his mother said against it, Terry decided at a very young age that he wanted to join Starfleet, unlike his older brother Tim, who wanted to follow in their father's footsteps. Warren Wu was around less and less as his sons grew older, but when he did come back, it was usually with shiny gifts and exciting stories to delight his sons. By the time Terry was 11, Warren had stopped coming home, and none of the family's attempts to contact him met with any success. As fate would have it, it wasn't long after Warren abandoned his family that May was discovered and arrested by Starfleet security in a marketplace. She was sentenced to five years in a rehabilitation colony for her desertion. When she sent Starfleet security to retrieve her sons and put them in state care, the two boys turned up missing: they had fled as soon as they'd heard of their mother's arrest.

Tim took up his father's line of work at the age of 14, and 13 year old Terry was often pulled along with his brother on his illegal escapades. He proved to be an able hand in the area of computer-based crime, and the two went on to make a name for themselves by boosting a few dozen small freighters, corvettes and warp-capable freight shuttlecraft. Tim joined a tong called the Shadow Turtle, whose members saw Terry as Tim's annoying little brother, and this was the beginning of a wedge to be shoved between the two brothers. When he was 15, Terry applied for early placement in Starfleet Academy, and although his test scores were high enough, he was summarily denied because they thought him too young, and because his background couldn't be verified.

With Tim getting deeper and deeper into organized crime, Terry decided to move on, applying to the Academy again at each quarter year with pretty much the same results as the first time. Every time he was denied entry. Finally, he decided to give them a really good reason to stop overlooking him. He went to work at a holonovel store in Starbase 45, which sold proprietary holonovels almost exclusively to Starfleet personnel. He nested a number of infiltration programs in these holonovels, knowing that one of them would eventually make its way to his objective. Three weeks later, his program reached its desired target -- The Z-15 Surplus Depot in orbit around Qualor II., one system away. Terry used the access his program gave him to send orders to the Depot's crew to re-equip a Constellation-class cruiser, and then move it to the drydock. Once it was there, Terry shuttled aboard and took the ship on a joyride to the Sol solar system; but only after transmitting a concise flight plan (and his academy application) to Starfleet to let them know exactly what he was doing. He was considering etching a smiley face on Ceres with the ship's phasers when he was intercepted by a small fleet of ships, and had to abort those plans. In the wake of his capture, Starfleet's investigation uncovered the whole truth about Terry, including who his parents were. He turned the full details of his activities over to Starfleet security, with the simple request that he be allowed to attend the Academy. Because he was 16 at the time, and because he didn't do anything truly malicious, Starfleet determined that they should give him his chance and green-light him to join the academy -- after a years' worth of rehabilitation in a juvenile rehabilitation facility.

Four years later, Terry graduated from the Academy, in the top ten of his class. The only reason he wasn't valedictorian, in his opinion, was because he never took things completely seriously. Which was fine with him, because it was more fun that way. He was constantly getting himself and his squad-mates in trouble with harebrained ideas, like taking apart a shuttle and reassembling it in the Dean's office. That earned him an honor code violation, by the way. Despite this lackadaisical approach, he still managed to earn the Daystrom Award for computer excellence.

Terry briefly reconciled with his mother as she was released from the penal colony, but the two didn't maintain close ties afterwards. Neither Tim nor Terry's father have been heard from in years. And life moved on for Terry.

Right after he completed his cadet work, Terry was given a last-minute assignment to the U.S.S. Swiftsure as a bridge Operations Officer. But some bureaucrats up in the Fleet's personnel department had a bit of a grudge against Terry for his little application stunt. They decided to reassign him, because they didn't want him on the fast-track to promotion. They did this several times during his first tour of duty (despite rave reviews from his commanding officers about his performance), to the point where he almost resigned his commission. Instead, he returned to the Academy to take the necessary courses to be certified as a Flight Control Officer, reckoning that it might be a little less threatening to the higher-ups. Plus, it was more fun and less work. While certifying, he made an influential friend who decided to lend him a hand, and interceded on his behalf to get him a good assignment. And now he's your problem.
Service Record Graduated from Starfleet Academy with honors
Major: Operations Minor: Flight control
Awards Earned: Daystrom Award for Computer Excellence

Cadet cruise aboard the U.S.S. Saffron

U.S.S. Swiftsure
Operations Officer

U.S.S. Khopesh
Operations Officer

Starbase 92
Operations Officer

U.S.S. Thurston
Operations Officer

U.S.S. November
Operations Officer

Returns to Starfleet Academy to change his M.O.S. to Flight Control.

Starbase Typhon
Chief Flight Control Officer