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Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 5:24pm

Captain Joshua Culver

Name Joshua Culver

Position Command Officer USS Keplar -A

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 228 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Culver is a larger stature of a man his physical prowess has decayed of late with a slightly larger girth than in his youth. He sports several day late shaven face.

His expression is often serious and he had a deeper voice that takes a gruff tone easier than not. His uniform is regulation and his appearance proper. Off duty is often seen in button up collared shirt sleeve style shirts, when in rare good mood wears what are called. ‘Loud Hawaiian’ style shirts.


Father Marvin
Mother Dorthy

Personality & Traits

General Overview Culver was a genius in many ways tactically, but his ego could not support the intellect. He could see things others did not; often to the disbelief of his commanding Officers, and earned a reputation as a Great Tactician but crummy guy. “The Crammer’ is what stuck as he did make sure his point was bluntly expressed on record and off. A tramatic incident during operations caused him stress enough to shatter the once grand Tactician.

Culver has been moody and Sullen in all evals since the incident. He started drinking; never having an impaired duty but the problem took him off the advancement list. He sees his command as a blessing and curse, his drinking has not worsened but is often sullen and anti-social with one exception, women. Another ‘fallacy’ is his divorce; he does not talk of it much but it has an effect on him. "She is an actress...' is all he will say, the suspicion is he blames infidelity on her.

He is a good officer but unpredictable when under stress, while not enough of a handicap for retirement it is suggested he be monitored closely by the Ship’s Counselor.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Tactical Anlysis
+ Dedicated to Crew
+ Decisive
+ Observation Skills
+ Macro Minded for Objectives

- Drinks
- Women
- Gruff seeming
- Moody
Ambitions To
Hobbies & Interests Running
Fine dining
Cooks like a chief
Percussion firearms.
Holo program as a bar owner in circa 40’s Earth dance club in Shanghai.
Languages STandard Romulan Cardassian

Personal History Born of a humble Mother and Head Master of a college Joshua was youngest son. He had the classical education and his mother found he had a good singing voice if he tried. His school days were nothing to really be significant until High school. He began to study and work his way towards acceptance in a Military and Tactic Program for College.

During his College studies it was noted he had a ‘flair’ for tactical analysis; he could see subtleties most missed, but to him they seemed obvious and he was blunt in his explanations. This earned him a rough reputation and the Nickname ‘The Crammer’ because of his gruff style of making a point.

During the Fleet Academy he was a tactical Officer Trainee who came very close to beating the Kybiashi Maru test, but he did seem to take the lesson well in that he had more earnest in his training. He graduated at the top of his class and went on the fast track to Command.

During this time he met, wooed and married Joyce Ann Meyer; she was a waitress working her way through college on an Dance and Performing Arts Program. The two were quite happy as she excelled in her acting and he in his career. It was thought the happiness and understanding between them helped him concentrate on his command.

HE worked his way to a Commander at age 34 and his ship was made the Flagship of Task Group 33. Admiral Yang was a talented Operations background and Star Base Operations before promotion to Admiral. The first order of business was to take a Task Group Command and leave his decades of Star Base experience behind to learn the other side of things. Tactical Commands Yang depended upon Culver for much of his pre-planning strategies; but during Combat Yang became a dictator of sorts and command was law. To keep face with hi crew he felt he had to be sole Command voice in Combat.

Culver had a grand career ahead of him until his one failure; the heat of battle he was working as the Flagship while on the boarder of open space where Privateers were operating. The Admiral fell for a trap and Culver had followed orders and held his tongue as ordered by the Admiral. Two ships lost and the Flagship barely escaped with moderate damage. The investigation found the Admiral not advisable for Task Force Command; Culver’s voice on the records warning of the need for caution and Yang’s orders for Culver to remain quiet on the Bridge, is what saved Culver. He was recommended for promotion but had a minor breakdown at what he saw as a failure.

After three months of evaluation and therapy Culver was given his rank as Captain and put in the Exploration Command. It was also during this time his marriage fell apart and he filed for Divorce from Joyce; whom all observers say still loved him. Her acting career was gaining momentum and she was often on sets.

Culver was given command of an Old Nova Class and sent on the outer boarders. The USS Keplar was a very well maintained ship and being older did not spend as much time in Space Docks as normal ship of her age. The Keplar was assigned to the Inti Colony as the Colony is on the boarders of known space.
Service Record West Point Tactics Academy
Advanced Fleet Tactical Training