
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 8:49am

Lieutenant Jonas Nomad

Name Jonas Nomad

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'08
Weight 190
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Nomad is an African American male with a muscular athletic build, bushy eyebrows and a bald head. He also has a full beard with mustache.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Henry Nomad
Mother Kathye Nomad
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jonas Nomad is known to be an easy-going person when the situation allows. He is also known to be able to make the cold-hearted decisions in the heat of battle. Although he does not like doing this, he understands that the need of the many outweighs the needs of few, or the one.

He has devoted his life to Starfleet at a young age. His knowledge of regulations and engineering is canny to the likes of Geordi La Forge, and Montgomery Scott. He makes sure to keep up with the latest and greatest in engineering theories, designs and propulsion theories.

Jonas also believes that to do is to learn. He loves to throw the people under his command into the fire to help get them the experience they will need to move up the ranks and become the Chief Engineers of their own ship.

Nomad is also known to speak his mind to people no matter their rank or position. This has landed him in trouble with superiors from time to time, but he has always bounced back because what he says has always been proven true.
Strengths & Weaknesses Loyal to Captain and Starfleet.

+ High intelligence level

+ Down to earth and open to others

- Speaks his mind too much

- Can be stubborn when he knows he is right

- Can spend too much time in engineering
Ambitions Jonas has finally made it to the position he wants. A chief Engineer of a Starship. There is no other place he would rather be at the time. Although, he has been considering teaching at Starfleet Academy when his galaxy hopping days are done.

He also wants to make sure those under his command flourish in their careers. He takes every opportunity to teach anyone who wants to learn.
Hobbies & Interests Nomad is an avid collector of antique Samurai swords. Ever since he discovered his love for the ancient Samurai culture, Nomad has collected swords from the era.
Languages English, Vulcan

Personal History At the age of 21, Jonas applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. There, he excelled in Engineering and Technological advancement and Quantum Mechanics. He also enrolled in Academy Extension Course #4077. Throughout Nomads tenure at Starfleet Academy, he impressed the engineering teachers due to his advanced knowledge of Starship engines.

He finished the Academy among the top of his class and was assigned an engineering position aboard the U.S.S. Vice. There, he served faithfully under the tutelage of Chief Engineer Bruce Ward. Under Ward's care for approximately 4 years, Nomad was able to attain the position of Assist Engineering Chief.

After a couple of years, Ward advised Nomad of a Chief Engineer position aboard the U.S.S. Bandit. Nomad applied for the transfer and was accepted. There he served under Captain Sullivan for 3 years until receiving orders to report to the U.S.S. Centaurus as Chief Engineer.

After spending some time on the U.S.S. Centaurus, Starfleet Command, sent Noamd his orders to report to Strbase 347 as it's Chief of Engineering.

Service Record Engineer aboard U.S.S. Vice

Assist. Chief Engineer U.S.S Vice

Chief Engineer U.S.S Bandit

Chief Engineer U.S.S. Centaurus

Chief Engineer Starbase 347