Chief Petty Officer Jared Holland

Name Jared Mahonri Holland

Position Matter/Energy Systems Specialist

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" (1.78 m)
Weight 145 (66 kg)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Well built, but not gym-acquired muscles. Keeps hair short, but not a buzz cut. No identifying scars or marks. Women think he's attractive, men don't find him threatening.


Spouse none
Children Jeremiah Alma Holland
Father Jason Amalekiah Holland
Mother Maria Beckwith
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Sariah Anne Holland (29)
Other Family maternal grandparents: Samuel John Beckwith, Sharon Lynne Turner

Personality & Traits

General Overview Good sense of humor. Friendly to all, sometimes too friendly to the wrong types. He seems drawn to trouble makers, but is invariably loyal to his friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses His humor has been known to get him in trouble, as when he plays practical jokes. However, it also helps him survive the tough times.

He's very good at his job, and with increased self-confidence is
overcoming his tendency not to speak up when he has an idea or solution to a problem.
Ambitions He's still coming to maturity as a person, and as an engineer, and isn't sure where he wants his life to go.
Hobbies & Interests Plays around with water colors - good work, but he doesn't think it's anything special - just something he does to relax.
Languages Standard, Terranglo

Personal History Born 2355. Orphaned at the age of 5 when his parents' were lost in a cargo ship accident. He grew up in three foster homes, because no one knew how to contact any other family, and the authorities were never consulted. Jared was on the verge of getting into trouble for a lifetime when energy studies caught his eye.

In high school, he worked hard to keep his grades up so that he could win a place in a good engineering school, never expecting to go to Starfleet Academy. His high school science teacher pushed him hard in science, and recognized his abilities. He bullied him into taking the E-SAT, and he did well enough to gain scholarships at MIT, Rice University and Titan Engineering Colleges.

Because Jared had located his grandparents, when he was old enough to pursue the records, and discovered his mother's parents lived in Houston, Texas, he chose Rice University. His father's parents were, unfortunately, deceased. He built a relationship with the Beckwiths during his years at school, and by the time he graduated, they were very close.

Four successful years in college changed Holland from insecure and somewhat belligerent to a personable and charming young man with confidence. His penchant for picking friends who get him into trouble hasn't changed, however, and he had several demerits on his record because of practical jokes played.
Service Record *2374-2376 - Starfleet Engineering Courses
*2376-2380 - USS Roanoke: Engineer
*2380-2385 - USS Apache Junction: Engineer
*2385-2389 - USS Regent: Energy/Matter Systems Specialist
*2389-2390 - USS Harbinger: Energy/Matter Systems Specialist
*2390 - Assigned Starbase Typhon