Ensign Akinori Nakayama

Name Akinori Nakayama

Position Medical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human, Japanese descent, Ichimanjima
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8" (1.7 m)
Weight 135 (61 kg)
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description slight build, slender but muscular from yoga workouts


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Sansumi Nakayam
Mother Akito Kato
Brother(s) Daiki (30)
Keitaro (13)
Sister(s) Hanako (24)
Yasuko (17)
Other Family Both sets of grandparents - Nakayama and Kato
Aunts and Uncles on both sides
Many cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview As the second son, Akinori is expected to do well, and has fulfilled his parents hopes. He is invariably polite and well-spoken, but quiet about what he actually thinks, except with those with whom he is good friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses +well-educated, well-spoken
+intuitive about medical situations
+quiet sense of humor

-hesitant to contradict superiors
-perhaps a little too private, not sharing much about himself
-easily provoked when he feels passionate about something
Ambitions to become Surgeon General of Starfleet's Medical Corps by the time he is 70
Hobbies & Interests bonsai trees; haiku; alto balalaika
Languages Standard, Japanese, Russian

Personal History Akinori Nakayama was born in Ichimanjima, the Ten Thousand Isles, in 2367.

To be continued on Thursday.