Ensign Rihoko McCord

Name Rihoko McCord

Position Head Nurse

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human, Scots, Earth
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3" (1.6 m)
Weight 110 (50 kg)
Hair Color Red
Eye Color green
Physical Description petite, slender; 3-1/8" (8 cm) scar across upper right arm from childhood accident; long hair, worn up for work


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Andrew McCord
Mother Sadashi Akiya
Brother(s) Angus McCord (27)
Sister(s) Emica McCord (17)
Cho McCord (5)
Other Family many cousins, aunts and uncles on the McCord side
grandparents on the Akiya side

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rihoko is conscious of her dual nationality, though she looks thoroughly Scots and Irish. Because her siblings all look more Japanese than she, she's always felt a little out in left field, though she loves them all, especially Cho, the little butterfly who was unexpected. She is driven to excel in everything she does.
Strengths & Weaknesses +sense of humor
+intelligent and quick to learn

-sometimes driven by insecurity
-a bit of a temper she's still learning to control
-pride gets in her way sometimes; she doesn't know how to back down
Ambitions Starfleet advancement; possible medical degree. Planetary assignment eventually.
Hobbies & Interests genealogy; holographic sim stories; Edo period of Japanese history; Druidic lore
Languages Standard, Gaelic, Japanese

Personal History Born on Earth in 2369, Rihoko was the second child of her parents. She is the only one of four children who does not look Japanese. She is descended from a McCord line which neither immigrated to America nor left the Earth to found a colony. It's mere accident that her parents are of the same descent that McCords married into in Broken Drive, a colony of Japanese and Scots ancestors thrown together by the failure of their leased colony ship.

Growing up on Earth in an enlightened time, Rihoko was quite interested in Starfleet, the Federation and space exploration. From an early age, she was also interested in medicine and decided that medical personnel were always needed everywhere. Therefore, she aimed her sights at a nursing degree first.

An opportunity to visit Broken Drive distant cousins came at the time she was considering which college to attend, and the visit convinced her to stay and attend nursing school at the University of Saint Andrews in NeoEdinburgh, Broken Drive.

In Broken Drive, Rihoko found a place where she didn't stick out. Everyone had mixed Japanese-Scots names, and their looks often didn't match one name or the other. She discovered that McCords were among the original founders and governors of the colony established by those who had made landfall among the asteroids that became the base of Broken Drive Colony. An opportunity came for her to read reproductions of the journals of those early family pioneers, and it helped to solidify for her who she was, though her heritage was not that of the pioneers.

Upon graduation from USA NeoEdinburgh, Rihoko worked in one of the O'Neill cylinder habitats for a year and then applied to Starfleet and was accepted at the rank of Ensign.
Service Record 2387-2391: University of St. Andrews, NeoEdinburgh, B.S. in Nursing
2391-2392: Habitat 93 O'Neill Hospital, surgical nurse
2392-2393: USS Sanctuary Hospital Ship, Family Medicine
2393-2394: SB Typhon Medical Unit, Auxiliary Head Nurse