Lieutenant Rie Nishikata

Name Rie Nishikata

Position Chief Engineer

Second Position Co-Owner

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 126lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Rie has Japanese features. She is an average height for her age and has long brown hair. Her eyes are hazel and she has a slender build, one which she is proud of since having her daughter and gaining her figure back.


Spouse Yuki Nishikata
Children Chi Nishikata (6 Years Old Currently)
Father Haru Takagi
Mother Mio Takagi
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rie is known to be a bit of a teaser. As a teenager she often teased Yuki as she had a crush on him. She is very intelligent and often thinks several steps ahead and has a plan. She likes to take opportunities when they come and often makes the best of life. She is also rather caring and kind towards others. On duty she is dedicated to her job and enjoys being the one in charge, however off duty she knows how to relax a little and shows confidence around others.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Include:
+ Engineeing Knowledge
+ Good Listener
+ Positive Energy
+ Good with family.

Weaknesses Include.
- Can be a bit of a prankster/teaser.
- Doesn't fare well with medical.
Ambitions At the moments Rie has several ambitions. She has chosen to serve on a starbase in order for her husband and Chi to have a good life while she can work. The risks of serving on a Starbase are lower than that of a Starship. She wants to one day move up the chain of command, but is comfortable for where she is right now.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies and Interests Include
- Drawing and Sketching
- Festivals
- Fiddling with technology
- Model Doll Houses.
- Knitting/Crochet
Languages Japanese, English, Federation Standard, Also knows several words in Klingon.

Personal History Rie Takagi, was born in Japan on Earth. She attended a normal school and showed good results having good grades. She led a pretty normal life and showed aptitude to arts and crafts, including making models of boats and planes. It was more of a boy hobby, she eventually switched to making doll houses. She enjoyed making everything in minature, it became a somewhat obsession over her early teen years.

In high school she met Yuki Nishikata who was placed next to her in class. She had a huge crush on him and could only display it by teasing him. She would often play silly pranks on him to make him uncomfortable, not knowing he felt similar. At a Festival, he dragged her away and 'accidently' made it obvious that he felt the same way.

After graduating High School at Eighteen, she asked Yuki what he was going to do. He was wanting to become a chef. He loved food and wanted to one day open his own Japanese restaurant. Rie had decided to go into Starfleet, she wanted to get out of Japan and find her own way in life. They parted ways and it felt heavy on her heart.

After the mandatory officers training in the first year, Rie was offered two different departments to choose from. She could go into a specialised field of Engineering or Operations. From building the doll houses in her youth she chose Engineering and decided to become an Engineering Officer.

The next three years she studied hard to become an Engineering Officer. She made a few friends, but she often found herself wondering about what Yuki was doing and if he ever thought about her. After graduating she was awarded the rank of Ensign and assigned to a Starship as a Junior Officer.

She was assigned to the USS Lightning, a Centaur Class Destroyer as a Junior Engineering Officer. At age twenty two she was one of the youngest officers on the ship along with several other transfers. She served aboard the Lightning for two years, serving as the standard two years as ensign.

At Twenty Four, she was rotated out with the annual crew rotations. She was also put on the promotion list for her next assignment. She was assigned to Outpost 271 as a Engineering Officer. The outpost wasn't a big starbase, but did have a small promenade. She was surprised to run into Yuki on the outpost who was on his way to Risa for a vacation.

Instead of going to Risa, Yuki decided to spend some time with Rie as he hadn't seen her in a long time. They decided to catch up and after more than 'a few' drinks she woke up next to him the following morning. She was embarrassed that she had let her old feelings take over, however it sparked something inside both of them. Before she knew it Yuki had admitted to always liking her, to which she explained she felt the same. They ended up becoming a couple.

Yuki relocated to live on the Outpost as a Civilian along with Rie so he could continue his relationship with her. Two years into their relationship, Rie married Yuki and officially became Rie Nishikata. Many believe that this marriage was because Rie was actually pregnant at the wedding, roughly six weeks, however she claims she didn't know beforehand.

As expected, Rie gave birth to her daughter on Outpost 271. Chi Nishikata was a demandant child, always keeping both of her parents up at night. When Chi was a year old, Rie was promoted to the assistant chief engineer of the outpost. She now had more responsibility and was often in command of the Outposts Engineering needs when the Chief was not on duty.

Together, both Rie and Yuki took it in turns to raise Chi. Yuki was often the stay at home dad and helped his daughter through her early days whilst Rie worked. Rie was enjoying married life, she loved that Yuki was so hands on with her and their daughter and that she could still work close to the family. She was perfectly comfortable on the Outpost.

Five years later, shortly after Chi's sixth birthday a new opportunity came up and was passed to Rie by the Captain of the Outpost. Starbase Typhon was looking for a capable officer to take the Chief Engineers position. The starbase had ben recently damaged and needed a good engineer to oversee repairs. It also allowed Yuki to take his dreams and to open a Japanese Restaurant on the starbase's huge promenade. After discussing it with Yuki, they both decided that this would allow them to do what they wanted and to progress as a family.

She accepted the position and was also given a rank boost to full Lieutenant before she left Outpost 271. She was excited to start on a bigger assignment, and she was also happy that Yuki could finally open the restaurant he wanted. A larger starbase would also allow Chi to go to school and meet other children her age and make her own friends.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Engineering Cadet
USS Lightning - Junior Engineering Officer [Ensign]
Outpost 271 - Engineeing Officer [Lieutenant Junior Grade]
Outpost 271 - Assistant Chief Engineer [Lieutenant Junior Grade]
Starbase Typhon - Chief Engineer [Lieutenant]