Lieutenant Katherine Welch

Name Katherine Olivia Welch

Second Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 10”
Weight 140
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Welch is a tall lean figure of a woman with a full head of long blonde hair, which is typically pulled back and up onto her head during working hours. Her skin is a lovely pale complexion. Her lips are a contrasting ruby red. She has great strength from her time spent as a gymnast and sparing partner.


Father Cmdr. Edmond Welch
Mother Lt. Olivia Welch
Sister(s) Kristine Helena Welch - 4 years younger

Personality & Traits

General Overview Welch wants to be a carrier officer. She is confident and stands tall with her chin up in most all situations. She has the ability to stay organized and focused in the most extreme situations.
Strengths & Weaknesses An organizer and encourager to her peers, though gets distracted at times by her work, neglecting personal things un-intentionally. Formidable in hand-to-hand and stick fighting, but has been known to go too far when angered. She is fully aware of how beautiful she is seen to be, yet gets short tempered when males push too hard when trying to gain her attention.
Ambitions She wants to be Chief Of Engineering for a large Starbase or for a large Starship, possibly one of the Elysium-Class vessels.
Hobbies & Interests Collects hand fighting weapons such as a staff, cane, walking stick, baton or similar. She practices the martial arts like; Kenbo, Arnis, Gatka, but her favorite is with Bo Staff. Here she has created her own fighting style with a mix of Fung Fu, Tai Chi, and Pike. She learned a little about the style called Tan-Kei from a classmate at the Academy from Tandar Prime. It is more of a defensive style than used for attack.

Personal History Katherine spent her early years aboard Starfleet vessels, the list of ships and starbases is longer than she can remember. Her Mother and Father, both Starfleet officers, moved around quite often, because of their specialty; operation and procedural consultants. Moving about so often had not provided their family much consistency and negative behaviors from the girls were beginning to develop, especially in Katherine. Edmond and Olivia Welch thought it best to give their girls a more harmonious and grounded situation to raise their daughters. When Katherine turned 8, her parents transitioned to Embassy Administrators on the world of Mazar.

Mazar is the homeworld of the Mazarites. The government is known as the Mazarite High Council. Mazar was one of the planets involved in the Interspecies Medical Exchange in the 2150s. It is a Class M planet located in the Alpha Quadrant. The people and customs on Mazar are one of conservative behavior with high morals especially evolving nudity and sexual promiscuity.

During this time on Mazar, Katherine and Kristine, her younger sister, grew closer together as sisters. They enjoyed the beautiful skies and uncontrolled weather of this world, compared to that aboard a starship. The girls matured in stature and poise as pretty young ladies should. The Welchs agreed with the philosophy on Mazar, therefore teaching their daughters how to be virtuous and respectable, reserving carnal nature of the flesh to be shared with their future life-mate only.

When Katherine was 14, her parents were offered a wonderful assignment aboard a Starbase. Both Kristine and Katherine were asked and they agreed with their family’s new assignment. All thought that the different environment would provide new possibilities and opportunities. During the next several years Katherine grew into a fine young woman; intellectually, physically, emotionally, and very attractive. She also became curious of boys, but with her foundation of morality and monogamy, she remained strong and true to her faith. Her greatest joy during this time was gymnastics and martial arts. Whenever she worked out, especially when using a bo-staff, she felt ‘whole’ and completely in control.

Katherine very much wanted to follow her parent’s example and become part of Starfleet. She applied and was accepted into Starfleet Academy. There, she was encouraged to improve herself even further. She found that she had an aptitude for Engineering, but it was not to be, in the end.

Katherine entered Starfleet Academy with the thought of using her aptitude for Engineering or fighting skills for a carrier in Security. She truly thrived in the area of power production and utilization.

Kristine, her younger sister by 4 years, had become the complete opposite. Kristine is more of the artist and pacifist. While growing up Katherine had been responsible for her younger sister many times, when their parents were away for a night or weekend. It had been difficult for Katherine to get her little sister to obey. Kristine never did anything on time and never the way she was told to do it. Her desire to tease boys and string them along infuriated Katherine. By the time that Katherine began at the Academy, she worried that her little sister would be hurt and become part of an unfortunate statistic.
Service Record 2393-2394: Starfleet Academy - Year I, General Studies
2394-2395: Starfleet Academy - Year II, Security & Operations
------ 2395: USS Marshall - Junior Cadet Cruise
Personal assistant to Chief of Operations
2395-2396: Starfleet Academy - Year III, Operations - socialization, and behavioral forms
------ 2396: USS Einstein - Senior Cadet Cruise,
Personal Assistant to Chief of Engineering
2396-2397: Starfleet Academy - Year IV, Engineering - Power Production, safety development

2397-2399: USS Antara – Engineering Officer
2399-2402: USS Perenolde - Engineering Officer
2402-2405: Starbase 271 - Engineering Officer
2405- . . . : Starbase Aurora - Assistant Chief of Engineering