Lieutenant JG Mei Yoneme

Name Mei Yoneme

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (Liberated Borg)
Age Suspected To Be 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 131 IBS
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Mei sports a tall, slender build. She tends to keep her hair fashioned in a loose bun situated on the left side of her face. The scars of her assimilation are still present, most notably the left side of her face where an ocular implant was prior to her liberation.

An analysis of her facial features and genetic makeup indicate that she may be of ancient Japanese descent, though due to the presence of Borg nanoprobes in her DNA, this may be up for speculation.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Unknown; believed to have been assimilated into the Borg Collective.
Mother Unknown; believed to have been assimilated into the Borg Collective.
Brother(s) Unknown; if any, it is likely they were assimilated into the Borg Collective.
Sister(s) Unknown; if any, it is likely they were assimilated into the Borg Collective.
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Having been assimilated into the Borg Collective at a relatively young age, Mei has experienced some difficulty reintegrating herself into everyday society. While by all outward appearances, she comes off as cold and unfeeling, the reality is that she's fully aware that others are intimidated by her, and on that basis feels she is not emotionally compatible with her humanoid contemporaries. While she is somewhat close with her squad mates Kinako Sakurakoji, Natsumi Onitsuka, and Shiki Wakana (particularly the latter), she's still somewhat reserved and tends to to offer her input only when she feels is absolutely necessary.

Due to having been a Borg for as long as she has, Mei has become a creature of habit; once she gets a bearing for her living accommodations, she consigns herself to a daily routine of eating, sleeping, and exercising, which she usually upholds to a T. The only real deviations to her schedule come when she's out on assignment, after which she quickly falls back into her carefully-ordained pattern of behavior.

Mei does occasionally experience night terrors, in which she's been assimilated back into the Borg Collective. In her brief moments of delirium, her human side has been known to manifest and she can express visible fear.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Physically strong
+ Analytical
+ Well-organized
+ Skilled Fighter Pilot
- Prefers not to display emotion
- Self-aware of how others may perceive her.
- Occasionally susceptible to night terrors.
Ambitions Though she keeps her ambitions to herself, Mei one day hopes to make the Borg pay for what she believes to be her stolen youth.
Hobbies & Interests Shiki has been encouraging Mei to pick up a hobby to get her to open up and express more of her "human" self. Most recently, Mei has taken an interest in Japan's "Idol" culture, though she certainly doesn't fancy herself an Idol.
Languages Japanese, Universal, Alphanumerics

Personal History The details of Mei's upbringing are a little fuzzy, as she was assimilated into the Borg Collective at a relatively young age. It is believed that she was born sometime in 2364 on Yudan V, a remote Federation colony situated in the Beta Quadrant. It is unknown whether or not Mei Yoneme was the name given to her at birth. Yudan V was listed by Starfleet records as having been assimilated by the Borg in 2369, which would've made Mei just five years old at the time.

During her time in the Collective, she went under the designation of "Two of Seven, Auxiliary Processor of Unimatrix 408, Grid 017." She was assigned to Borg Cube 50623, in which she would operate for more than a decade.

In 2381, Borg Cube 50623 engaged the Federation Starship USS The Sullivans (NCC-75483) during the Second Borg Incursion into the Alpha Quadrant. Two of Seven was one of several drones beamed aboard The Sulivans to assimilate her crew; however, they were not anticipating that The Sullivans had recently been refitted with transphasic torpedoes specifically for combating the Borg, leading to Borg Cube 50623's destruction and severing the boarding party's link to the Collective.

The boarding drones were promptly rounded up and detained, and after it was determined that they had been severed from the Collective, a decision was made to have them transferred to a specialized medical unit on Earth in an attempt to liberate them fully. With authorization from Starfleet Admiralty, The Sullivans returned to Earth the following week, where Two of Seven and several of her contemporaries underwent extensive surgery- some lasting as long as 72 hours- to remove up to 90% of their implants.

Due to having been part of the Collective for so long, Two of Seven remained in a semi-comatose state for nearly two weeks, unaccustomed to her newfound individuality and unable to do so much as lift a finger without direction from the Collective. Following several weeks of recovery in the hospital, she was transferred off-world to a rehabilitation facility, where over the course of the next two years, she would gradually learn basic human functions such as walking, eating, and sleeping. It was during this time that she recalled a name- that being Mei Yoneme- but she could not positively identify whether or not it was her given name.

Following two years of extensive rehabilitation, Mei was discharged with a clean bill of health in early 2383, whereupon she immediately submitted an application to Starfleet Academy. A cross-examination was performed to determine whether or not she was mentally fit to serve in Starfleet, but she passed with flying colors and her application was approved.

Wanting to take the fight directly back to the Borg, Mei elected piloting as her chosen field of preference. It was during this time that she became acquainted with fellow cadets Kinako Sakurakoji, Natsumi Onitsuka, and Shiki Wakana. Though Mei personally didn't feel she fit in with the other humanoids and wanted nothing to do with them at first, Shiki proved insistent on becoming closer with Mei, and over time she gradually relented and began to bond with the other cadets.

Mei, Shiki, Kinako and Natsumi graduated Starfleet Academy in 2386 and were assigned to the USS Oriskany (NCC-63534), an Akira-Class Heavy Cruiser. Mei quickly proved to be the top dog of the bunch, and quickly rose through the ranks. Her supervisors were impressed by her efficiency- a carry-over from her time in the collective- but did voice some concern regarding her lack of sociability.

In 2395, in response to increased piracy in the Typhon Sector, Mei was approached by her Commanding Officers and asked if she wouldn't mind being assigned as a Squadron Leader based out of Starbase Typhon (SB-347). Mei agreed, but only under the condition that she was reassigned alongside her squad mates. Her request was granted, and the four of them boarded a shuttle bound for the Typhon Sector.
Service Record 2383-2386: Starfleet Academy (Piloting)
2386-2388: USS Oriskany (Ensign, Fighter Pilot)
2388-2389: USS Oriskany (Lieutenant JG, Fighter Pilot)
2389-2391: USS Oriskany (Lieutenant JG, Deputy Squadron Leader)
2391-2395: USS Oriskany (Lieutenant JG, Squadron Leader)
2395-????: Starbase Typhon (Lieutenant JG, Squadron Leader)