TY / SEVEN (John)

Name TY / SEVEN (John)

Position Infiltration Specialist

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ty # seven is quick and strong, capable of all normal human functions. Short for a Human male but very non-descriptive. A round face with long hair.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Telon **********
Mother Marsha **********
Brother(s) Two
Sister(s) Two
Other Family None Noted

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ty can virtually disappear in a crowd he's so plain... That's why he's an agent. Ty happens to be a very good Botanist. In addition to being an explosives expert. (Another reason he's an Agent.) He never mingles and has no known associations with anyone besides his control officer
Strengths & Weaknesses TY has a strong family background in Surveying and Mapping. He was selected for Agent training for his photographic memory. His mind works like a Hologram.

On several missions TY has wandered off task, if he observes something he will investigate it completely and gather data on it. The problem is he dosent always communicate what he's up too with his control officer...
Ambitions To get credit for a remarkable discovery. As much of his work is highly classified he fears this will never happen for him.
Hobbies & Interests Hiking and lurking about. He thrives at it.
Languages Mandarin Chinese, English, Romulan (Poorly)

Personal History Records pending from fleet
Service Record Assigned Agent- Starbase Typhon
Agent In Charge- Falona Colony
Agent- Deep space 12