
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 10:52am

Chief Warrant Officer Terri James (John)

Name Terri Louise James (John)

Position Yeoman

Rank Chief Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human-Betazoid
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Very slender for a Human frame Pale skin color and Fire Red Hair. Terri is full figured and attractive.


Spouse None
Children NONE
Father Rolf James
Mother Denida James
Brother(s) Two, Rolf Jr. and Falin James
Sister(s) One, Glenda (JAMES) Harper
Other Family Few

Personality & Traits

General Overview An alarming silence. Teri is not a shy person by any means she just speaks very seldom. She can always be seen with a smile on her face and makes friends and acquaintances quickly. Always highly alert, and displays astounding situational awareness.
Strengths & Weaknesses Loyalty to her crew members.

Her obvious weakness is her silence, which can also be her greater strength at times
Ambitions To complete her Star Fleet career and Start a Diplomatic Security Firm.
Hobbies & Interests Terri has spent years studying and Instructing Akkido to Star Fleet Diplomatic Corps bodyguards, in short she a Master Practitioner of the Art. She Was the Fleet representative in Stellar Olympics winning the Crystal Pennant Four times.
Languages Terran. Betazed -Ti (A lost Language)

Service Record **Fleet Records en route**