
  • 11 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 15th, 2011 @ 6:16am

Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

Name Erwin Reynolds [John]

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Solid and strong, a lifetime of training has brought this Major to a physical peak. Spends alot of the time training with his men.


Spouse NONE
Children NONE
Father Alex Reynolds (deceased)
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) NONE
Sister(s) NONE
Other Family NONE Known

Personality & Traits

General Overview Outstanding logistical Officer and Combat veteran. He is comfortable in Command as well as issuing commands. Listens to his men and always backs up a fellow marine. He listens to his NCO's.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strong Engineering background from University of Moscow school of Minds and Technology. Outstanding community builder.

Not a proponent of mass bombardment.
Ambitions To Attain Flag Marine Rank
Hobbies & Interests Travel and Barhopping
Languages Terran, Vulcan

Personal History Born in Channing New Mexico on Earth in 2349. He was abandoned by his biological parents. He spent a few years in foster care and at the age of nine adopted by Alex Reynold a counselor at the boys home. Once removed from that environment he did much better and wasn't as reclusive. He fared well in school and was excepted to a junior college with a scholarship in engineering. two year at college gave him a taste for travel and soon after he graduated he was of to Marine basic. finished in 2367 he moved on to Officers training school and completed the course with high marks in logistics. Mobilized as a Second lieutenant during the Borg attack on the Wolf system.

Erwin saw a good share of combat in the dominion war, receiving Two serious wounds. He was Promoted to Captain and assigned to Outpost 24, (Threshold). During a Ten day period the outpost was attacked but held on with heavy casualties. At the end of the conflict Reynolds returned to Vulcan as a logistic training instructor for the senior Marine Officers course.
Service Record Dec 2387- Promoted to Major Starfleet Marines, Assigned Starbase Typhon as 3rd Battalion Commander.

File pending review / Current promotion list on subject active.