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Wed Jun 1st, 2016 @ 4:16am

Morgan Damron

Name Morgan Damron

Position Damron Group - Owner/Operator

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 39 and holding

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 149 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall for a Human female, attractive and charismatic.
She walks with authority and grace, Nails, hair and makeup always perfect.
Dresses impeccably. She buys and wears only the best.


Spouse Davros Damron (deceased)
Father Morris Conners (deceased)
Mother Kendra Conners (deceased)
Brother(s) Albert
Sister(s) Lena (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Morgan is sly, cunning and charismatic. She knows how to talk to people to get them to agree with her. She has spent the greater part of her life gaining power and influence and she wields it with an iron fist.

She has two sides to her personality. Business woman Morgan Damron, head of the Damron Group and Morgana le Fey, High Priestess of a powerful wiccan cult.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her beauty allows her many roads to success in her schemes, she can charm a snake and convince it to bite itself.

The Damron Group has its finders in many pies. Morgan has connections in every major planet and political group. Some say she has connections with the Orion Syndicate.

Her biggest weakness is Morgana. Being High Priestess takes up time she would rather devote to currying favors and spending time with the rich and famous.

Some believe that her empire has grown too big and she may not be able to keep control of it.

Her lust for power and control is her greatest weakness.
Ambitions See hobbies and interests.
Hobbies & Interests Power and control. She has amassed a fortune and has investments practically everywhere. It is said if Morgan pulled all her money out of the various places she could collapse governments, alliances and federations. One of her hobbies is gaining enough money and influence that she could, if she wanted, rule the galaxy.

She loves to socialize with the rich, powerful and famous.
Languages Standard, French, Vulcan, Romulan, Ferengi.

Personal History Born Morgan Lucinda Conners, date unknown, She's the oldest of three children. Her Father and Mother worked at Starfleet Command as janitors. Their family made ends meet, but only just. Morgan worked after school and summers with her parents. She saw the type of people who associated with the elite of Starfleet and wanted to be among them.

She was graced with natural charisma and beauty and used it to get into the right parties, meet the right people. She was fascinated with the legends of witches and sorceresses and began to read everything she could on the subject. By the time she left school she was an expert on all things wicccan and had convinced a number of people that she was the reincarnation of Morgana le Fey, a name she took on as she quickly formed her own cult. People from all over began to come to her for spells and potions. She used a vast knowledge of herbs, plants and ancient medicine to make people believe she had real powers.

The rich and powerful began to come to her. She met Davros Damron, head of a powerful business group. He was drawn at first by the idea that she could help him become younger. Then he was attracted to her beauty and grace. Although Davros was old enough to be her grandfather, Morgan spent more and more time with Davros, finally marrying him in the most talked-about society event of the decade. The guest list was so large Damron leased all of Risa for the event which lasted a week.

Morgan and Davros were married for two years, during which time Morgan learned all she could about the business side of the Damron Group. She also spent time growing her own empire, giving lectures, selling potions and forming several small communes for her followers. At the end of two years, Davros grew ill and slowly faded from public view. It was said he had a lingering illness. Rumors that Morgan poisoned him remain unfounded.

Morgan began to take on more and more of the day-to-day running of the Damron Group. She hired assistants to help her with her own following, turning Morgana into an intergalactic celebrity. With Morgan at the helm, the two empires soon merged under the banner of the Damron Group and Morgan helped both to grow to where the Damron Group was the most powerful entity in the Federation.

Many believe Morgan has brown too powerful. The Federation now fears what she may be up to with rumors of ties with the Romulan Empire and the Orion Syndicate. In an effort to remove her from the public eye, they have 'encouraged' her to unite her communes into one large facility on Tyberius V, a newly-colonized planet near the Typhon Expanse. It is hoped she will be far enough away from 'society' to keep her out of the way and out of trouble. Only time will tell if they are successful.