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Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 4:34am

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

Name Wilhelm Liebniz Baron von Hackleberg

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Colonel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Wilhelm looks just like an average human with the exception of being well conditioned and also a couple of different tattoos and scars. The most prominant of these is a scar that runs vertically down the top of his right cheek to the bottom of the jawline.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Carl Rupert Baron von Hackleberg (deceased)
Mother Catharine Margaret Jodl Dowager-Baroness von Hackleberg
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA
Other Family Various relatives in the Sol System only.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally an easy-going individual, however, Wilhelm shows a cold and aristocratic view to individuals who have not earned his respect.
Strengths & Weaknesses A natural leader with the best interest of his troops in his mind. As a Marine, Wilhelm is proficient with the use of any weapon or ship in the Marine Inventory. Also, he was crossed-trained in starship security and tactical. Notable weaknesses include a minor addiction to games of chance including Poker and Tongo along with an occasional fine cigar. Also, when under stress, Wilhelm's German accent gets more and more pronounced as the stress level goes up.
Ambitions To rise in rank through the Starfleet Marine Corps.
Hobbies & Interests Games of Chance, Cigars, and holodeck programs featuring Earth's 18th and 19th century.
Languages Federation Standard, German, French

Personal History Wilhelm "Willi" Baron von Hackleberg was born on cold winter day in 2352 at his family's estate outside of Frankfurt, Germany, Earth. At an early age Wilhelm's parents taught him about his family's ancient heritage and instilled in Wilhelm a sense of duty and honor. At age six Wilhelm was sent to a private school in Bremen, Germany which he attended until the age of 18. While at the school, Wilhelm earned average grades but excelled in sports of all types. After graduating, Wilhelm made a side trip to Berlin to celebrate before heading home. During this trip Wilhelm encountered a couple of Starfleet Marine Sergeants on shore leave. He walked away from this experience with the wanting to become a Marine.

Coming from a military family of long standing, Wilhelm's parents gave him permission to apply. After only an accelerated year in Boot, Wilhelm was sent to the Frontlines in the new Dominion War.

During the War, Wilhelm, was bounced from operation to operation until he received a battlefield commission for bravery. His first assignment was to lead a platoon on the bloody battlefields of Cassandra III in an operation that would later be known as the Debacle at Cassandra III. During this incident Wilhelm's parent unit, the 78th Regiment, was trapped for over a month by Jem'Hadar and Cardassians. When finally relieved the 78th suffered over 80 percent casualties including Wilhelm's whole platoon. This is also when Wilhelm acquired the scar on his face from a Jem'Hadar blade; he vowed to keep it to remember his fallen platoon.

While recovering from wounds after the battle Wilhelm received a package from home along with a message. The message told him that his father has passed away leaving him the Baron title, it also requested he come home. In the package Wilhelm discovered the family sword given to his ancestors by Field Marshal Prince Blucher himself for bravery at the Battle of Waterloo. Instead of going home Wilhelm volunteered for special operations with Starfleet Intelligence.

(Following section classified. Authorized personnel only.)

In 2382, First Lieutenant von Hackleberg was assigned to be the new MXO on the Tempest then the Cerberus. Promoted then to Captain, Wilhelm served short stints as Marine Commanding Officer on the USS Bunker Hill, Orion, and the Gladiator.

After the decommisioning of the USS Gladiator Wilhelm was offered a posting on the new Starbase Typhon which he accepted.

Service Record 2370: Accepted into Starfleet Marine Corps Basic Training.
2371-2374: Various combat assignments in the Dominion War.
2374: Recieved battlefield commission from Sergeant to Second Lieutenant.
March, 2374: Debacle at Cassandra III.
April, 2374 - 2382: Content classified by Starfleet Intelligence.
2380: Promoted to First Lieutenant.
2382: Marine Detachment Executive Officer USS Tempest
2384: Marine Detachment Executive Officer USS Cerberus
2385: Promoted to Marine Captain, Marine Detachment Commanding Officer USS Bunker Hill
2385-2386: Marine Detachment Commanding Officer USS Orion
2386 - January 2387: Marine Detachment Commanding Officer USS Gladiator.
2387: Promoteted to Marine Colonel, 21st Marine Regiment Commanding Officer
Feb 2387: Awarded the Theta fleet Unit of Distinction. For his leadership of the 21st Marine Regiment.