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Sat Aug 7th, 2010 @ 1:46pm

Commander Dhindara Vrel

Name Dhindara Vrel

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 139 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color black
Physical Description Dhindara is tall but lean. She keeps herself fit through a moderate amount of exercise, which to her is a necessary evil and a compensation for her lust for chocolate which she experiences at times.

While on duty she is always found prim and proper, and she is proud of the uniform she is wearing. Off duty she likes to dress dark, black or red, though she has been known to occasionally allow some other or brighter colours in her wardrobe.

Like most Betazoids Dhindara is not shy about her appearance, however she is aware of the surroundings she is in and therefore usually dresses modestly, especially since she doesn't enjoy uncontrolled thoughts practically thrown at her, much less so when they involve people not just appreciating her form but letting their imagination run rampant.


Father Twalxaris Vrel
Mother Genadhrin Vrel

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dhindara is a very proper Starfleet officer. She believes in discipline and proper conduct, however she always adds in a personal element. She is caring for those around her and thanks to her telepathy she is a good judge of character.

She often feels strong emotions and thoughts of others, sometimes is unsettled by them or woken up at night. When she senses someone she likes in is in trouble she tries to help, especially when she senses pain or sorrow. On the other hand, she takes delight in the same feelings when found in people she things deserve it.

While on duty Dhindara demands good results from those under her command and she wants things done her way, so that she doesn't have to try and wrap her brain around procedures she doesn't like or simply isn't used to. At the same time she is very willing to let others have their way off duty, often simply acting on behalf of the wishes of others as part of her positive experience comes from the pleasure and joy that she feels from others when they are having a good time.

She has an insatiable curiosity and has, as such, started to gain a little bit of expertise in pretty much every field of the humanities, enough at least to be of help when one of the other specialists need an assistant. She is an expert in her field and known to always keep her eyes on the snake, as the Andorians say.

Dhindara is a very social person, enjoying the company of others in larger and smaller groups. She is easily influenced by others' wishes in her private life, sometimes to the point of being taken advantage of. It is especially peculiar to note that she often allows people to take advantage of her in spite of the fact that, with her telepathy, she is actually aware of being taken advantage of while it is happening.
Strengths & Weaknesses + honest, gentle, joyful, cooperative, curious, determined, neat, hard-working, caring, responsible, respectful, good judge of character, beautiful singing voice

- demanding, proud, often absent-minded, cruel at times, facetious, frank, not as innocent as she usually appears, chocolate
Ambitions Dhindara is happy where she is currently. Professionally she cares only for her research and has already reached the highest enlisted rating she can attain.

Privately she strives to make people around her happy. She needs them to be happy to feel good herself, negative thoughts dampen her spirits. The gratification she gets from making someone smile, making someone have a positive thought or emotion, is the fuel she needs to be a happy woman herself.
Hobbies & Interests Her main hobby is her vocation and job. She loves history and cultures, and anything to do with research and teaching in that field.

Apart from that she enjoys chocolate and other good foods and drinks, spending time with others on the holodeck as well as creating holographic simulations of historical settings, as a way of making historical knowledge available to the wider public usually too disinterested or lazy to read the textbooks.

She has managed to make some money with her programs, money which allows her to have a slightly higher standard of living when it comes to luxury goods.

Dhindara sings and enjoys performing in public.
Languages Federation standard English, Betazoid, German, Trill, Bajoran, Cardassian, understanding of Latin

Personal History Dhindara was born on January 17th, 2348, on the eastern shore of lake El-nar where her mother was running a holiday resort. She grew up there and had a well protected and happy childhood. El-nar was one of the most popular holiday areas on Betazed and species from all over the Federation came there to have a good time. Young Dhindara was fascinated by some of them and, as a child, rather frightened by others. But above all else she was curious and she turned to historical and anthropological studies during her teens, encouraged by her father to pursue the interest as he was himself an archaeologist, albeit a junior one whose work was hard and often daunting and with rewards coming slowly.

Dhindara, as a young girl, was not a very patient person. She didn't want to become an archaeologist like her father, dealing with long-term research and slow creeping progress. She trained in the field, as having the knowledge helped, but she was more fascinated with the results that archaeological research yielded, and how to piece the puzzles together and gain an understanding of the society they reflect.

While also learning to control her budding telepathic abilities, which were slightly above the average, she also learned how have patience, which, she found, helped her a lot in her other pursuits as well. One of them was weapons training. While Betazed was a peaceful society it still needed protection. Dhindara wasn't interested in shooting but her mother insisted, and because she wanted to make her mother proud she trained hard with her hand phaser to become a good shooter. She was glad, though, when her mother was satisfied when she won a local shooting competition for kids ranged 15 to 17 years old. She kept training only occasionally to not lose her edge, but with time that dwindled down to about an hour of training a month.

Much to the concern but with the full support of her parents Dhindara joined Starfleet in 2366. She had the academic qualifications to attend Starfleet Academy decided to become an officer. She studied history, archaeology and psychology at the Starfleet Academy satellite campus in Münster, Westfalen. She spent one year there and also learned the local language, German.

In 2370, Dhindara was stationed on Bajor as a member of a small team of Starfleet and civilian researchers to study recent Bajoran history and the occupation by the Cardassians. She learned to speak both Bajoran and Cardassian in the process of the three year assignment. Only with the outbreak of hostilities in the Dominion war in 2373 the team was recalled from Bajor.

She was posted on the U.S.S. Thunder under the command of then-Captain Takbar chi-Trei. The Thunder saw a lot of action in the war and Dhindara was working more on fixing things than on anything else, reassigned to the position of Counsellor, dealing primarily with battle fatigue and other war-related trauma patients.

In early 2374 she managed to secure two weeks of leave time which she intended to spend with her family on Betazed. While she was at home the Dominion invaded and she was stranded in the territory occupied by the enemy. She made sure that the Cardassians who occupied Betazed didn't find out that she was a member of Starfleet and instead worked in the holiday resort that her mother managed.

She was taking good care of the Cardassian officers who wanted to have a good time at the beautiful scenery of the lake. She had no liking for them but she understood that as long as they were kept happy and tranquil they would rule on Betazed with a lighter hand.

At the same time she used to follow high ranking officers around and use her telepathy to gather intelligence. She could make out nothing that was of immediate use to the Federation's overall war effort, and even if she had been able to do so there was no way for her to get that information off of Betazed, but she was able to determine part of their itineraries, which she then used to... remove them from the realm of the living, mildly put, careful to not raise any suspicion with them.

She was glad when the occupation finally ended. She had found a perverse pleasure in removing those who were responsible for so much hardship for her people, and she never admitted that to anybody. Before the occupation she had always regarded feeling the pain and misery of others as a heavy burden, now she knew that if her opponents suffered it could be a great blessing as well, giving her satisfaction. She was decorated for her actions on Betazed and promoted to Lieutenant, two steps in one promotion, and reassigned to her previous position on the Thunder where she spent the remainder of the war.

In early 2376, with Starfleet reassigning their staff back to their previous roles, she was transferred to the U.S.S. Scipio Africanus that was scheduled to go on a deep space exploration of what lies beyond Cardassian space, now that the Cardassian Union had to accept the Federation's terms. As a historian she was able to make several interesting discoveries and contribute significantly to the wealth of knowledge that the Federation holds. Of that she is very proud, and in addition she received a promotion to Lieutenant Commander in 2383, placed in charge of a team of anthropologists, archaeologists, theologians and other experts whose nature it was to aid historical research.

She stayed on the Scipio Africanus for ten years, the duration of that mission was spent largely outside of Federation space and she made several close friends on that ship, which whom she stays in contact now that she has been assigned to Starbase Typhon, as Counsellor
Service Record 2370 - Assigned to Bajor as member of a mixed Starfleet and civilian team of historians, Ensign
2373 - Assigned to U.S.S. Thunder, Galaxy class, Counsellor,
2374 - Marooned on Betazed after Dominion invasion
2374 - Reassigned to U.S.S. Thunder after liberation of Betazed, decorated and promoted to Lieutenant
2376 - Assigned to U.S.S. Scipio Africanus, Nebula class
2383 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2387 - Assigned to Starbase Typhon, Counsellor