Lieutenant JG Jeannette Conner

Name Jeannette Conner

Position Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Very petite. Fits easily into small spaces when needed. Though small in size she is strong for her size and can spar with the best of them


Spouse none
Children none
Father Bradly
Mother Ellen
Brother(s) Jason, Jackson

Personality & Traits

General Overview Very spunky and bubbly. She doesn't take flak from anyone but does her best to blend into the background unless she wants to be seen.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Strong personality
+Knows what she is doing
-Likes to remain invisible when she can
-Sometimes is a bit too out spoken
Ambitions To move up the ranks and be head of a department one day.
Hobbies & Interests Archery, biking, and reading.
Languages Standard

Personal History Was born on a starship but was mainly raised by her grandparents. She was the youngest of her siblings and the only one of them that decided to follow in their parents footsteps and join Starfleet. At age 18 she signed up for the academy and was accepted and took up the studies in operations.
Service Record Cadet cruise and first assignment was on the USS Renown
Promoted to Lieutenant Jg and reassigned to Typhoon Starbase