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Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 4:34am

Khiy Tal'ehrihn

Name Khiy Allen Tal'ehrihn

Position Trans Galactic Trading - Owner/C.E.O.

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 1/2 Human, 1/2 Rihannsu
Age 43

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 189 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Khiy inherited many of the soft human features of his mother, save the decidedly pointed ears of his Romulan father. His hair is usually kept long enough that he can hide his ears in it depending on the company he is in. Physically he shares a Romulan build; green blood and a much more dense muscle type affording greater physical strength than a human's while still remaining slight in stature.


Father Khaiel Tal'ehrihn
Mother Stephanie Allen
Brother(s) Taev Tal'ehrihn

Personality & Traits

General Overview Khiy is the founder and owner of a courier and freight service named the Trans Galactic Trading company, or TGT. Over the years it has become very profitable venture that provides, as the name suggests, both transport and trade of goods between colonies, star systems and galactic super powers.

In addition to hauling cargo, TGT has expanded to include privately contracted security for cargo vessels and transports in troubled regions. This new company, Grey Star Securities, operate using a number of corvette class warships. Recently, as tensions rise and contracts become more lucrative, Grey Star Securities have included front line ships such as B'rel and K'vort Birds Of Prey and a D'deridex Warbird.

The latest addition to Khiy's expanding business lines is a financial assistance company (Tal’ehrihn Trust) designed to infuse cash flow into struggling businesses to keep them afloat and offer financial start up funds for new companies coming to the station.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Good gambler
+ Confident leader
+ Very Perceptive
+ Keen buisness man

- Cocky
- Somewhat amoral
- Quick temper
- Cynical
Ambitions He endeavours to make his companies the premier choice in freight and freight security firms in the quadrant.

Ultimately, he would like to own the rights to privitised security along the quadrants shipping lanes.
Hobbies & Interests Khiy gambles a fair bit, but not to a point where it has become a problem. He makes a point never to spend more than what is in his pockets.
He is an art collecter, mostly of Rihannsu paintings but he has been known to collect some Terran pieces as well.
Languages Federation Standard (English), Romulan, Vulcan, Orion

Personal History Khiy's life was never filled with the warmth and affection afforded to most families. Through his life experiences he has learned to be cold, callous and opportunistic. Many would describe him as dead inside if they had the chance to see his true colours. To most people, however, he might be described as "kind" and "considerate", though this is mostly a guise put in place to manipulate others.

He was born to a Romulan father and a human mother, neither of whom could afford the troubles of having a half bred illegitimate child in their lives. His father runs one of the larger houses on Romulus and the child was born at a time of extreme xenophobia in the Empire. Though ashamed for having to do so, Khaiel refused to acknowledge the child as his own. Begrudgingly his mother, Stephanie, agreed to take Khiy with her on her journey’s as a freighter captain. Having a half Romulan also caused trouble for her as she could not devote the time to care for a precocious child. Instead, it was the entire crew’s responsibility to look after him.

Once in his early teens, his mother made a deal with another freighter Captain to take the child on as an apprentice in order to be rid of him. Khiy took the betrayal to heart and he resolved to one day balance out the scales between his mother and him. This was the start of Khiy learning to mask his emotions and, in many cases, from becoming completely detached from them.

The freighter he was given to was a legitimate enterprise on a privately owned tug. Despite the hard existence of hauling cargo between star systems, Khiy found his place in the crew. He was noted to be a hard worker and have a keen eye for keeping tight to a schedule. In a relatively few years, much shorter than the average labourer, Khiy was invited to serve on the bridge staff. His ability to see through lies and read emotions coupled with his own ruthless nature made him an invaluable asset to the Captain when in troubling situations. As his position grew on the tug and in his field, so did the respect others awarded him. He started building a network of “friends†throughout the different fields of business, some legitimate, others not.

Just after Khiy turned twenty he found himself back on Romulus for a routine cargo drop. He was surprised to find his father waiting for him on the cargo dock. Though the two had very little contact throughout the years, Khaiel had been keeping tabs on Khiy and his whereabouts. Despite what had happened in the past, Khaiel offered to adopt Khiy formally into the family and weather whatever political repercussions would come from it. Khiy accepted the offer gratefully since he harboured no ill will towards his father. As tempting as the offer was to live in riches on Romulus, he requested that he be allowed to remain working on a freighter. His father was impressed that he would rather choose a life of hard work rather than one of privilege. He agreed to the terms as it not only suited his sense of responsibility but at the same time eased the house of any undue stress. As part of the agreement, Khaiel transferred a vast sum of currency into Khiy’s personal account calling it his inheritance.

Despite wanting to return to his old ship, his father convinced him to strike out on his own and pave his own way. So, with a portion of his newly acquired fortune, Khiy bought a freighter of his own, a Monarch class freighter like the one he was working on for so many years. The ship was refitted with the latest technology and renamed the ‘Gale Winds’. He quickly put together a crew of his own and parted ways from his old ship with the promise that one day he would repay the kindness shown to him.

Business was hard to come by at first, many business owners didn’t want to trust their valuable cargo to such a young Captain. For the first few years he and his ship operated by money he kept infusing from his inheritance, it started to look like he wasn’t going to be able to continue the trend for very long. His break came in an unexpected way; the Dominion war. He was almost 24 when the Federation supply lines began to be hit hard by enemy patrols and in response they enlisted the help of dozens of independent freighters in a desperate attempt to keep the ground troops supplied. Since the work was so dangerous they were paid astonishing amounts of credits to ship goods to the front lines. Khiy was quick to take the work. Both Khiy and his crew soon discovered that when under extreme conditions they truly excelled. Often they were on the run from ships bent on their destruction; time and time again the ship and crew outsmarted their attackers.

With their new found confidence, they volunteered for harder assignments inside the enemy territory. They started smuggling weapons and medical supplies to insurgents in Dominion controlled regions. Khiy’s silver tongue and ability to diffuse a hostile situation staved the crew from death a number of times as they continued to bring in supplies from the Federation. Khiy had found his calling. Smuggling was something he was very good at, not to mention extremely profitable.

After the war ended, Khiy’s smuggling didn’t. Word of his abilities spread in certain circles and it wasn’t long before business men started approaching him with work of less than legitimate means. The people he once worked for, the Federation, he now worked against as he smuggled goods, weapons and people across Starfleet lines. Khiy’s reputation for being one of the top smugglers in the region paid out huge sums of currency that made both him and his crew very wealthy.

Although the work was exciting, Khiy decided after a number of years that it was time for a change. Over his time as a runner he noticed that as great a threat as it was to have Starfleet catch him in the act, a greater threat lie in pirates falling upon him and his cargo. With a now solid network in place for legitimate business in addition to his normal clientele, he saw an opportunity to settle down and open up a freighting company in addition to a privately contracted security escort firm for ships travelling in troubled regions. Ultimately he would like to privatise freight security throughout the Federation in addition to operating a successful freight service.