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Sun Jul 4th, 2010 @ 9:35pm

Commander Jack Tolren

Name Jack Tolren

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Orion
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Due to his mixed Terran/Orion genetics Tolren has a light green skin tone. He is a tall man and athletically built, owing to his Orion genes. He does however, have hair, thanks to human genes, which is dark brown in colour.

On duty he is smartly dressed with his uniform often in pristine condition. Off duty he tends to relax a little and wear casual clothing.


Father D'nair Tolren (Orion)
Mother Serena Tolren-Reed

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tolren is a strong man, who has a demanding and authorative presence. He is a firm believer in following protocol and regulations and finds it difficult to relax when on duty. Off duty however he does relax and is involved in a number of activities on the station.

Despite his appearance and demeanour he is a very thoughtful man. He can be quite persuasive though rarely needs to be.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Organised
- Disciplined
- Persuasive
- Authorative

- Unsympathetic
- Closed, often keeping himself to himself.

Ambitions He aims to become a Commanding Officer, though lacks the ability to empathise in situations.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, fitness training, poker, velocity, anti-grav sailing, sky-diving and some defensive martial arts. He also listens to music, from the turn of the 20th/21st century mostly; and has a small aquarium in his office.
Languages Federation Standard, Orion, Klingon

Personal History Jack Tolren was born in 2353 in Bearskin Lake, Ontario, Canada to parents D'nair and Serena. His name was chosen by his mother, who insisted that because of his obvious relation to the Orion race he kept a definitive human part to his identity.

Jack was raised and schooled in the scenic parts of Ontario and grew to enjoy the outdoors. He didn't make friends too easily, often feeling like the odd one out amongst the people at his school. He would generally come home with the one Andorian child at school, the pair sticking together due to their obvious differences.

His school life went relatively smoothly though, despite missing out on a lot of the social aspects. Jack graduated from school, aged 18, in 2371. His closest friend, Thoros, the Andorian, went to Starfleet Academy and so Jack, followed suit, believing it to be a reasonable career. His father wasn't as accepting of the idea, convinced that he would be ridiculed for being an Orion's son, though he supported his son's decision nevertheless.

Jack passed the entrance tests and began his academy training shortly after, he chose to specialise in security operations, feeling his size and physical presence would be most suited to that area of work. It was at the wide and varied Starfleet Academy that Jack flourished. His results improved, and he began to get involved in extra-curricular activites, joining the Academy poker team and learning anti-grav sailing.

In 2374, Jack graduated from the Academy, choosing to skip his cadet cruise, he was assigned to the USS Bellerophon as a Security Officer. The ship was relatively small and an excellent environment to learn the role, although it would also see it's fair share of combat, being heavily involved in the frontlines of the Dominion War. Jack made friends aboard the Bellerophon and soon after lost them, it reminded him how valuable life was, but also he felt it taught him not to get too close to people.

He remained aboard the ship until 2379, when he was transferred at his own request to Starbase 215. He felt the opportunity for advancement on the Bellerophon was too small, the security department was well-staffed and other officers were in better positions to get a department head role, a starbase job would be more varied and more likely a place he could get noticed.

Exactly that happened and in 2382 he was assigned the role of Chief of Security on Starbase 215, being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and passing his command officer exam. He ran martial arts and phaser practice classes on the starbase, whilst also performing his regular duties, and became involved with the work of the Intelligence Department on the station.

In 2385 Starbase 215 was closed for decommissioning due to it's age and Jack and several members of his security team were asked to perform temporary roles as instructors at Starfleet Academy. Whilst Jack remained determined to get back out into space, a number of his personnel enjoyed the instructor lifestyle and opted for permanent roles.

In 2386, Jack received notification of a new starbase which was nearing completion. After putting in a transfer request to the station as the base's security chief he received word back that he had instead been accepted as the station's Executive Officer, under Captain Finnan. Jack knew he could not decline the transfer, determined to move on in his career, he immediately sent back his acceptance and began arrangements to move.
Service Record 2371 - Enters Starfleet Academy
2374 - Assigned to USS Bellerophon, Security Officer, Ensign
2376 - Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
2379 - Reassigned to Starbase 215, Assistant Chief of Security, Lieutenant
2382 - Starbase 215, Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander
2385 - Starfleet Academy, Security Operations Instructor, Lt. Cmdr.
2386 - Assigned to Starbase Typhon, Executive Officer, Lt. Cmdr.
2387 - Promoted to Commander.