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Sat Feb 11th, 2017 @ 2:29pm

Admiral Kathryn Burke

Name Kathryn Marie Burke

Position Commander, Theta Fleet

Rank Admiral

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 54

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 147 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Above average in height and born with a natural beauty. She likes to dress simply but well. She likes to wear her hair long and feels that she's put enough time into Starfleet to earn the right to not wear it up if she chooses.


Spouse James Burke (deceased)
Children Kris, Kelly, Sabrina
Father Peter Howard
Mother Jaclyn Howard
Brother(s) Gerald

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kathryn is friendly and cheerful, for the most part. However, she has a steel will and determination and does not suffer fools lightly.

She is a firm advocate for doing what is right over what is "popular" and this has gained her both respect and scorn from her peers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Excellent leadership skills, good with people. Loves the outdoors and being with her family.

Sometimes she tries too hard to be helpful and considerate. She will keep trying when some would give up.
Ambitions To see her grandchildren grow up happy and healthy. She is content with her life as is and feels she has accomplished what she wanted. Now, she wants to be happy and enjoy her life and her family.
Hobbies & Interests Taking long walks in the woods, camping, fishing.

Collecting dolls. Collecting books. Kathryn loves to read and spends much of her free time reading when she isn't working or spending time with her family.
Languages Federation, Vulcan, Andorian, Romulan, Betazoid

Personal History Kathryn grew up in the mountains of Montana and has a long-abiding love of the outdoors -- especially the mountains.

She was always studious and worked hard to do well in school. She attended University and got a BA in history and literature. Her love for space and her desire to see the universe had her applying for Starfleet. She graduated from the Academy as a science officer and began to work on various ships.

It was while she was stationed on Earth that she met James Burke, a Professor of History at Pepperdine University. The two fell in love and married. Shortly after, Kathryn was offered the position as Executive Officer aboard the USS Cousteau.

The two spent as much time as they could together. James took a year's sabbatical to join his wife. He retired when she was given command of her own ship to support her and to take care of their three children. While they traveled, he wrote a series of books continuing a 20th Century author's works connecting historical figures and events.

Her three children were born on the Freya. When she was offered an admiralty position at Starfleet Command, she took it and the family returned to California.

She always meant to retire and travel with her husband, but an unforeseen illness took his life a year before she was to retired. With her children grown and once again on her own, she threw herself into her career, eventually accepting a position with Theta Fleet, first as the Deputy Commander and then as the Commander.