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Sat Feb 12th, 2011 @ 6:56am

Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone

Name Nickolas Stone

Rank Rear Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 59

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Grey-Silver
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Average height for Human Male, broad shouldered and in good shape. Wears hair to length at times. Will be seen in civilian clothing most of the time, but the Admirals uniform fits him well when needed. Most noted of his attributes are his eyes, they have described as dark and intense.


Spouse Myra Stone
Children FOUR
Father Malachai Stone [Deceased]
Mother Helen Stone [Deceased]
Brother(s) NONE
Sister(s) NONE
Other Family Classified Data

Personality & Traits

General Overview Admiral Stone is close with his staff, behind close doors it's a "First name" Environment. Most who know him professionally enjoy being around him on and off duty. He is clever and has a sharp wit, a very likable personality. Most Meeting Nick for the first time would never expect him to be a flag officer. While performing his duties the Admiral has a firm grasp on the details. He is well read and holds several degrees. An outstanding teacher of the intelligence arts.
Strengths & Weaknesses Stone has the ability to adapt to fast moving situations. This along with outstanding diplomatic skills makes him grounded enough to overcome all difficult tasks. One perceived weakness with his subordinates shows Nick leads from the front far more than he should. This was an issue during a recent operation when he took a field agents position to destroy documents before losing them to a alien agency.
Ambitions The admiral plans to develop the Fleet Intel Training Academy And progress the standards for Intelligence Officers Fleet wide.
Hobbies & Interests A philanthropist by nature Stone has donated many artifacts to the Federation. He also has a fair private collection himself. His interests include cracking complex ciphers and interview techniques.
Languages Many known, several mastered

Personal History Born Gregory Harper south of Hemet California, [Earth] on a small ranch in year 2327. His father Malichai was a Federation Officer who had been medically retired early in his career. He attended public schools in the local area and was liked by friends and peers alike. His father being somewhat involved in local politics secured his placement At a local college were he received his degree in Political science. Shortly after graduating Greg left for Starfleet Academy and continued his education. His skills were noted by academy staff and selected for Intelligence training.

During his Senior year his name was changed to Nickolas Stone and received advanced training in surveillance. His career took off quickly and was assigned advance missions very early on. His attention to detail saw him through over Thirty operations making one of the most active operatives in the Fleet. During the war years Stone was used in forward planetary systems to gather information and assist in warning of enemy fleet movements. Stone started rebellions on Planets under enemy control and participated in several of these rebellions.

Service Record 2386- Promoted to Rear Admiral assigned as Chief Fleet Intelligence
2372 to 2385- Fleet intelligence Operations, Promoted to Commodore
2371- Promoted to Captain
2360 to 2370- Fleet Intel staff adjutant
2359- Promoted to Commander
2356- Assigned field Agent supervisor Romulan Neutral Zone
2355- Promoted to Lt. Cmdr.
2354- Assigned Federation Consulate Starbase Ronin
2354- Graduates University of Moscow. Awarded Masters Degree in Interstellar Politics
2352- Graduates Intelligence Academy as Lieutenant.
2349- Enters Star Fleet Intelligence Academy
2349- Enters Star Fleet Academy. Promoted to Ensign
2349- Graduated University of California, Awarded Degree in Political Science
2327- Born on Earth