
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Fri Jun 17th, 2011 @ 4:28pm

Hensel Rubin

Name Hensel "Bob" Rubin

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 59

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 189 lbs
Hair Color Blackish Grey
Eye Color Black
Physical Description The most noticeable feature to the man's face is his nose. It's kind of big. He looks friendly, but he can be slightly crabby sometimes.

He looks old. Very old.


Spouse None
Father Edward Rubin
Mother Arlene Churchill

Personality & Traits

General Overview Hensel is friendly, and very financially oriented. His personna that he portrays while working is a fairly grumpy person, who fakes a southern-ish accent quite well.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Financial Prowess
+Crab Killing Rate Per Hour

-Who knows. The list is long, schmuck!
Ambitions I don't feel like talking to you about it, Schmuck!
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, Crab Killing, being Crabby.
Languages English, Hebrew

Personal History Hensel has been cooking, and killing crabs since he was 6.

It's no real wonder that he doesn't have many friends, or romantic interests.

Just crabs dying. And being cooked. For over 50 years.
Service Record Hip Replacement Surgery - 2377