Nikki / NINE [Stone]

Name Nikki / NINE [Stone]

Position Infiltration Specialist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Varies
Eye Color Blue or Green
Physical Description Striking Beauty, Short and fast. This description has been known to Vary as the current assignment warrants, Hair long.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Nikki is a party girl. She can get to places many other Agents would be outed very quickly. Her demeanor is very "Flower Child " like. At times she has been described as a complete Airhead. This is exactly what we want people to think. Nikki makes friends and lovers at an incredible rate.
Strengths & Weaknesses Outstanding memory skills. Uses a mental image skills to remember events and those are removed at a later date under hypnosis. In addition Nikki can street fight her way out of most physical situations. A weakness would be her age and maturity level. She has also been prone to additions.
Ambitions To continue to train her skills in close quarters combat
Hobbies & Interests None Noted
Languages Federation standard, Ferengi, Romulan, Klingon. Nikki can read write and speak all flawlessly.

Personal History Nikki was born Angela Daltry on Earth. Her mother gave her up for adoption at birth. Nikki's Father was a dissident and disappeared shortly after she was born. She remained in foster care most of her life due to her frequent disruptive behavior around others her age. At the age of Nineteen she was arrested by Fleet intel officers during a major drug raid. After several months of counseling and harsh interrogation she became a valuable asset to the investigation. Nikki couldn't be released due the threats made on her life. she was entered into Agent training as there was very little else she could do. Admiral Stone has taken over her training and she has successfully completed Ten Missions. She feels perfectly at home in intel and journeys to the wild side only as ordered.
Service Record Classified