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Fri Feb 4th, 2011 @ 10:46am

Commander Ian Casey

Name Ian Casey

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Ian is well built and deeply tanned. He usually wears his shoulder length blonde hair loose, but pulls it back into a ponytail if he needs to "look more presentable". He usually has stubble on his chin and almost always has a goatee.


Father David Casey
Mother Jan Casey

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ian has a strong sense of duty and always tries to do his best. He's willing to take risks, but not unnecessarily. He will stand up for what he believes in and will back up his friends and co-workers, even to the point of throwing punches.

Ian enjoys meeting new people and will do his best to make friends anywhere he goes. He projects a confident attitude but not overly so. He has recently picked up a gambling habit and it's quickly becoming an addiction. Ian has also discovered a fondness for flirting, but has yet to understand when he should and shouldn't do it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Dedicated to his job, strong sense of duty, will stand up for his friends
Weaknesses - Has a temper, slight gambling addiction
Ambitions Ian wants to be the Commanding Officer of a Carrier. He also has a desire to be the first Starfleet pilot to get 100 confirmed kills.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, playing the violin, exercising, playing cards, cooking
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan, some Klingon

Personal History Ian was born in Southern California on November 1, 2356. He spent his youth trying different sports and quickly settled on weightlifting. He concentrated on his workouts and soon built a strong healthy body. Being young and muscular soon led him to violence. He found himself fighting almost every day. He would sometimes even look for any excuse he could find to start a fight with someone.

His parents quickly tired of his violent behavior. They tried talking to him and looked for other things for him to do. Nothing seemed to work. Every time they found something for him to do he would soon turn it into another fight.

Lacking any better choices, Ian’s father obtained permission to take Ian to the base to show him around. Ian fell instantly in love with the Valkyrie fighters. He begged his father to let him fly one but that wasn’t possible.

Ian returned home and immediately began studying everything he could find about the starfighter. He changed his routine to increase his chances of becoming a fighter pilot when he was old enough.

The day of his 18th birthday he applied to Starfleet and was accepted. At the Academy, he had trouble with some of his courses but managed to get by. He graduated in the middle of his class but that didn’t bother him. He was now a Starfleet officer and he would soon get his chance to fly the Valkyrie fighter.

Ian was assigned to Starbase 147 after graduation. He spent his time there running patrols and escorting transports. He had a chance to prove himself when a group of unknown fighters attacked a transport carrying a Romulan Ambassador. Ian and his unit managed to fight off the attackers without losing any fighters and prevented any serious damage to the transport.

Almost a year later, Ian was transferred to Starbase 32, where he was made flight leader. As he was settling in, however, the entire squadron was transferred to the USS Kelvin. Ian made the transition and settled in with the rest of his crew.

A few weeks after the transfer, the squad was scrambled to defend against a group of pirates. Ian's squad, along with the other squads on the Kelvin managed to fight them off without any losses. As a reward for his efforts, Ian was promoted to Lieutenant JG and given command of his own squad.

Ian quickly set to work reorganizing the squadron and soon had pilots working well together. He set up rigorous training sessions and continued to run routine patrols. The extra training sessions soon earned Ian's squad praise from the Wing and Group Commanders. The squadron was tested on a few occassions but it was nothing his pilots couldn't handle.

All of that changed a year and a half after arriving on the Kelvin. Ian and his squad were sent on a recon patrol through a nearby star system. Half way through the system, the squad was ambushed. The squadron was severely outnumbered and they did their best to fight their way out of the situation. Of the 16 fighters in the squadron, only 3 made it back to the ship.

Ian's fighter was one of the 13 that was "shot down". He spent several hours drifting in space before a rescue ship arrived to retrieve him. He spent the next two months on a hospital ship recovering. When he was cleared for duty, he was promoted to Lieutenant and offered a position as Squadron Leader aboard Starbase 47.

A short time later, the Senior Staff of the Wing were out on a routine training exercise when tragedy struck. A malfunctioning plasma relay ignited the plasma and destroyed the Wing Commander's Valkyrie. Debris from the explosion struck and damaged the Wing XO's craft as well, severely injuring the XO. Ian immediately stepped in and took command of the Wing as Interim Commander.

He began an immediate investigation into the accident and soon discovered that the plasma relay that had malfunctioned had mistakenly been logged as a completed repair. The Wing's lead maintenance officer was reprimanded and all craft were scrutinized for any other mistaken log entries. Several other inaccuracies were discovered and immediately fixed. For his quick and decisive actions, Ian's position as the new Wing Commander was confirmed by the Station's Commanding Officer.
Service Record 2375 - Graduated from the Academy
2375 - Assigned to Starbase 147 as a pilot
2376 - Transferred to Starbase 32 as a Flight Leader
2376 - Transferred to USS Kelvin as a Flight Leader
2378 - Promoted to Lieutenant JG and made Squadron Leader
2380 - Promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to Starbase 47 as Squadron Leader
2381 - Assigned Wing Commander of Starbase 47
2382 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Executive Officer of Starbase 47