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Monthly Report - June 2011

Posted on Fri Jul 1st, 2011 @ 5:05am by Captain Jackson Hawkins

Monthly Report - June 2011

1. Command OOC Address
2. Promotions/Awards
3. Comings & Goings
4. Where We've Been
5. Where We're Going
6. Quotable Quotes
7. Statistics
8. Team Building

***Command OOC Address: (This is the section where I do a little housekeeping)***

Wow! What a month on Typhon! Everyone has done a great job of getting into the story and I'm really excited about our potential. Thanks for the excellent effort!

As you all know this is my first month on Typhon and I do things a little bit differently. Some would say that's good, others not so much, but it is what it is. One of the things I have seen in my years of simming and just loved was the Monthly Report. Perhaps that was because before I didn't have to do them! But I feel that the Monthly Report is an excellent way to take a snap shot of our performance and give feedback to the crew and any potential players that might wish to join Typhon. It's a bit of effort, but I find that it helps me stay focused on the big picture and helps orient the players into our current sim universe.

I don't have anyone to point at this month (which is a relief), but I am big on certain metrics. The current posting requirements are two posts per player per month. That is pretty simple to accomplish with all of the nooks and crannies from where to pull stuff on Typhon. To keep the story moving at a good clip, I would like to challenge the crew to attempt a minimum of four posts per month and six to eight posts per month for department heads or higher. It's not a requirement, something I'm kicking around and would like your feedback on before we move on it, just a challenge. I am of the philosophy that department heads are in that position because they are talented writers who can help keep the plot moving so that we all have a story to enjoy. The more writing that gets done, the more story we have to enjoy.

One area I am moderately disappointed in would be the nomination for awards. Let me briefly explain my philosophy on this so you know where I'm coming from. The way I look at it, we all sacrifice time and effort to participate in this sim. We write and tag and post and we do all of this for the story. The love of the story is an important thing, and we have an opportunity to show our affinity for each other through the awards nomination process. We have an opportunity to show with awards how much we enjoyed each other and how much we enjoyed writing with each other. Now I asked for awards nominations last week and can you believe I only got two?! Out of 130+ posts, there were only two award worthy moments? I didn't think so; you all are far better writers than that. Recognizing that there was some good writing this month, I've gone through and done the awards myself (sans the two nominations). I would really like to see more nominations in July.

***Awards/Promotions: (Yay! Pretty Sparkly! And posted as soon as I figure out why Nova hates my life!)***

No promotions at this point, but some could be on the horizon!

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Rivalry Ribbon: Rivalry with the crew? Check. Throw them all in the brig! Replace yourselves! Rivalry with the civilians? Check. Shut down trade! Rivalry with Command? Check. Run around them when you can! Rivalry with the diplomats? Check. We don't need no stinkin diplomacy! Rivalry with the marines? Check. We don't need no stinkin war!

Captain Anna Johnson
Captain's Honor Award: I am thankful for your efforts to keep Typhon running the absence of a Commanding Officer for as long as you did.
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Commander Raven Adams
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Distinguished Volunteer Award: Wow, what can one say to the guy who is busy always fixing other people's problems. The screeching sound of "Hey Marcus!" must get old but you've never taken any frustration out on me as I learned Nova. Thank you so much for all of your assistance.
Rivalry Ribbon: Following orders closely makes civilians disgruntled with the Ape.
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.
Monopoly Award: For going to jail, going directly to jail, not passing go, and not collecting $200.

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Commander Basil Hart
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Civilian Contribution Ribbon: For becoming a key part in a segment of the "Winds of Change" mission.
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Colonel Wilhem von Hackleberg
Tour of Duty - Breen: For the Exeter Excursion
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Master Sergeant John Deal
Longevity Ribbon: Serving Six Months
Tour of Duty - Breen: For the Exeter Excursion
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Tour of Duty - Breen: For the Exeter Excursion
Survivor Typhon: Yay, you survived the change of command.

Honorable mentions to Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir and Lova. These two haven't been on Typhon long enough to get an award, but I have great confidence in seeing them on the awards list next month!

Unfortunately, that is all for the awards this month. Let's make sure we give more next cycle!

***Comings & Goings***

Commander Raven Adams: Welcome Back
Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir: Welcome
Lieutenant Commander Skylar: Welcome Back
Lieutenant Emmett Kellan: Welcome Back in a New Form
Lova: Welcome

Commodore Edward Fannin: Smooth Sailing

***Where We've Been***

Man a lot has happened. Typhon got a new CO in Captain Jackson Hawkins. He managed to tick virtually everyone off at some point or another. The Marines are back from their extended tour on Exeter and we're glad to have them home! Trouble is brewing however. Some religious leader from a planet previously unknown has appeared asking for asylum on Typhon. Will he bring his crazy fight to Typhon? Stay tuned.

***Where We're Going***

I'd like to get this mission kicked back into full gear. There is plenty to do on the station and I'll be talking about specifics later in the Team Building Section. Feel free to do tons of character development, that's always a bonus.

***Quotable Quotes***

The famous last words of a fool: "It won't be necessary. The conversation will be limited." - Captain Hawkins to Captain Johnson in regards to preparing snacks for his first Senior Staff meeting.

Didn't she say it all? "You may be a good Captain, but you're a terrible diplomat." - Morgan Damron to Captain Hawkins before making a storybook exit.

"I see so you have lost my lab as well?" - Lieutenant Kellan (affectionately known as Mr. Magoo) upon meeting Captain Hawkins.

For next month, please submit your favorites to me via PM!

***Statistics (Yay, my favorite part!)***

Okay, so according to Nova we had an average of .45 posts per player last month and (though I disagree with the Nova numbers) we have an average of 8.19 posts per player this month. The reason I disagree with the Nova numbers is this... I count 14 players (13 active) and 1 departing. So that's 15 players. 131 posts (which is what we did this month. GET OUT OF TOWN! ) divided by 15 is 8.73. We were up to over an average of ten per player, but we've added two players in the last week so that flubs up the average. But, even if we go with the Nova numbers, we're looking at a HUGE increase. Great work!

***Team Building***

The team building challenge for this month is as follows. Post at least once with every player. Those who do can look forward to a nice reward. We're also going to start the word game. The word of the month is "obfuscate". See how many times you can use it appropriately. The person who manages to use obfuscate the most times appropriately wins a nice reward as well. Please PM me when you use it to help me keep track.

Well, that was June. Let's roll through July with the same or greater gusto!


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