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Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2011 @ 10:07am by Captain Jackson Hawkins


Charlie, who played Commander Raven Adams and various NPC's, has opted to leave Starbase Typhon. We wish her well in her various other endeavors.

The departure of Commander Adams throws a slight wrench into the covert mission into Yerdi space. I will be working with the writers in that segment to come up with a solution to this set-back. If you currently have a pending post involving one of the departing characters, please finish it up the best you can or get with me and I'll try to help you come up with something to get through it.

On a lighter note, I am still working on the awards and encourage all of you to nominate deserving fellow writers for as many awards as you believe they have earned over the past few weeks. The awards system is a small but genuine way to show our appreciation for each other. I will be approving and posting awards on the last day of the month as I finish up the monthly report.

The word game is on hold for this mission, but I still think it would be a fun idea. I will be letting everyone know the rules and tracking methods as soon as those are developed.

Again, keep up the good work. You have breathed new life into Typhon!

Justin / Hawkins


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