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Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 3:43am

Commander Basil Hart

Name Basil Hart

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color lt. brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall and in good shape, Basil cuts a striking figure. His peircing blue eyes are his most remarkable feature.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Lord Thomas Hart
Mother Lady Jessica Bene Hart
Brother(s) Benford, Brandon, and Brian
Sister(s) Courtney, Cybil, and Elizabeth
Other Family Grandfather Mycroft (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Basil is good-natured and easygoing. He believes the best about everyone until they prove him wrong through their actions. He is intensely curious about everything. He likes a combination of old and new technologies, and he is fiercely loyal.
Strengths & Weaknesses Incredibly medically proficient. Is continually amassing more medical knowledge. Top notch surgeon. Establishes personal rapport with all his patients if he can. Fiercely loyal and protective of them, as long as there is no danger to the ship or the rest of the crew.

Has a weakness for hard-luck cases. In some cases, may obsess over a situation where he is unable to help. Will often work for days without sleep trying to find an answer, endangering his own health in his desire to help.
Ambitions To be the best surgeon in the fleet, and eventually become Surgeon General of the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Tri-D chess, Holodeck role-playing adventures, real-time strategy games, swimming and diving, and learning new things about any subject. He also loves Top-fuel Shuttle racing.
Languages Fed Standard, English, French, Klingon, Vulcan, Tellarite

Personal History Basil was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. His Father is a high-ranking lord in the British House of Lords and his mother has connections to the Royal Family. His early childhood was spent at Hart Hall, in the English countryside near London. He had few playmates his own age, but the household servants used to love to play with him, and kept him happy.

His maternal Grandfather was a respected physician, a skill which he acquired after attending Harvard, and graduating Summa Cum Laude from its prestigious medical school. His influence figured strongly in Basil's future choice of career.

Basil retained a good relationship with his parents, even with their busy schedules, but he was closest to his grandfather. When he came of age, he followed family tradition and entered Starfleet Academy, having excelled in his classwork at school. He entered the medical program, much to the delight of his aging grandfather. Upon his graduation, he inherited the antique Doctor's Bag with which his grandfather started his practice. To this day, it is one of his most prized possessions, and he meticulously keeps all the tools inside in perfect working order.

His first duty station was the USS Kitty Hawk, as a medical officer. He served for four years with a spotless record, and was well-liked by the crew.

He was later transferred to the USS Duluth as assistant CMO for six years. When the Duluth was attacked by Orion Pirates, he distinguished himself by performing four major surgeries on critically injured crewmembers back to back, staying on his feet for 48 hours straight during combat, saving the lives of all four patients. The stimulants he used to stay sharp caught up with him, however, and he had to take a leave of absence for two weeks to recover on Earth. For placing the lives of his patients above his own, he was awarded the Leonard McCoy Humanitarian Medal.

When he saw the CMO position aboard Starbase Typhon, He applied, and was given the post.
Service Record Graduated Starfleet Medical school 10 years before present.

Posted aboard USS Kitty Hawk as a Medical Officer.

Posted aboard USS Duluth four years later as assistant CMO. Earned Leonard McCoy Humanitarian Medal. for performing above and beyond the call of duty in saving the lives of four critically injured crewmen.

Transferred to Starbase Typhon six years later.