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Clean Up

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2011 @ 11:32am by Captain Jackson Hawkins
Edited on Sat Jun 25th, 2011 @ 11:32am

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm working on getting everything cleaned up and making sure that all procedural awards earned have been given. In addition, we are nearing the end of the month so I would like everyone to have their award nominations in by Tuesday (June 28th) so that I can get them put up and in the mission report.

Everyone has done an excellent job at getting involved and writing posts. I cannot express how excited I am to see the Typhon active and at numbers well beyond metrics. I encourage all of us to keep up the posting as there are tons of areas in this current mission to explore.

Charlie and I have been kicking around the idea of a game with in a game. We're looking to come up with a word of the month and the player who is able to use the word of the month most often and/or most creatively will get an award. We'll be releasing details soon.

If you've got mission ideas or something you want to explore, please feel free to send it to me and I'll see what we can do to get it incorporated.

Thanks for helping to breathe life back into Typhon. It's an honor to write with you all.

Justin / Hawkins


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