Departments & Positions

  • Command (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Command is ultimately responsible for the station, any garrison ships and personnel, and those within the department are responsible for commanding the station and representing the interests of Starfleet.

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    • Garrison Vessel: USS Arthurian

      For the crew of the USS Arthurian.

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  • Operations (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Operations is responsible for keeping station systems functioning properly, rerouting power, bypassing relays, and doing whatever else is necessary to keep the station operating at peak efficiency.

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  • Traffic Control (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Traffic Control is responsible for the navigation and flight control of any and all ships and auxiliary craft docking and departing the station. Traffic Control department oversees pilots trained in both starship and auxiliary craft piloting. Note that Fighter pilots are not part of the Traffic Control department.

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  • Security / Tactical (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Security is responsible for the security and safety of the station.

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  • Tactical (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Tactical is responsible for the tactical readiness of the garrison vessel(s) and the station.

  • Engineering (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Engineering is responsible for keeping the station working in conjunction with Operations. However, Engineering is called upon for making repairs, fixing problems, and making sure docked vessels are ready for anything.

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  • Science (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Sciences is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.

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  • Medical & Counseling (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Medical & Counseling is responsible for the physical and mental health of the crew, from running annual physicals to combatting a strange plague that is afflicting the crew to helping a crew member deal with a whole range of emotional stress.

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  • Diplomatic Corps (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Both Civilian and Starfleet diplomatic staff and officers advise the command staff on all things regarding laws of other cultures during official events.

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  • Intelligence (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Intelligence is responsible for gathering and providing information as it becomes possible during a mission; during covert missions, Intelligence personnel take a more active role, providing the necessary classified and other information from within the enemy assets.

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  • 21st Marine Regiment (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

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  • Starfighter Wing (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

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  • Athena Fleetyards (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    Built by the blood, sweat, and, on occasion, explosions, of Typhon's own Engineering staff. Also contains Fleet Command Offices.

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    • Theta Fleet Command

      You remember the boss level in god mode of your favorite video game? Yeah, that has nothing on these guys.

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  • Civilians (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    This place contains the affairs of Civilians. Civilian affairs sounds rather risque, though, doesn't it?

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    • Little Tonoshō - Japanese Restaurant

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    • Saints & Sinners NightClub

      A fancy new nightclub owned by a mysterious man who rarely comes out of his office. The nightclub was last seen on Starbase Phoenix. It's said this place is great for food, fun, and drinks. However, it's said this place holds more behind the curtain. Sometimes it may hold Gambling, Secret meetings, and shady dealings. Those who frequent this place can either be known as Saints or Sinners.

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  • Garrison Vessels (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    The Vessels assigned to the Typhon Base as support vessels

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  • Covert Infiltration Division (CID) (Typhon Crew Roster Database)

    The Covert Infiltration Division is under the direction of Admiral Maximilian Hunter of Starfleet Intelligence.

    Its function is to gather information and to deal with potential threats to the Federation.

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