
Pirating Typhon resources

Post Count: 172

The merchant lanes surrounding Typhon are under siege by Pirates attacking the major Trade Lanes. The fact that Typhon is an inner system could bring in a major Task force if Captain Mabrade and his crew cannot contain the problem of these 'Hit and Run' tactical attacks.

Why are the Pirates so brazen as to attack; how are they getting away and why are they targeting Typhon? All these questions must be answered in order to find the Pirates and eradicate them from their free reign to terrorize the Trade Lanes.

Tour of Old Times

Post Count: 0

The crew of Typhon take some time off to do a tour on an old Constitution-class vessel currently docked. They all agree to do it as the officers back in Kirk's day do it with uniforms and gear. Though as usual something goes wrong in what form you have to wait and see.


Post Count: 81

The crew of Starbase Typhon has been given the power up directive from the Fleet. It's up to the Crew now to get it done....

Searching for The Drone

Post Count: 5

Agent TY / SEVEN is traveling to a new Planet, This Planet has been recently located by Starbase Typhon and has yet to be named. However, Fleet intel has traced several suspected Romulan Deep space probes to the surface. The mission sends TY to attempt to locate them.

Preparing The Fleet

Post Count: 180

The crew of starbase Typhon moves into full function as several fleet starships arrive and prepare for their missions. The USS Thor has detected several Orion vessels raiding in the area. In the past few days a pair of vessels has been reported missing in the Tiberius system and the USS Orion has been dispatched to investigate under the new command of Commander York. Starbase Typhon has upgraded the alert status to condition Yellow and additional fighter assets have been deployed around the station.

On Typhon Station

Post Count: 316

The Typhon was coming together very nicely. There had been several major events since her beginning. There shall be many more... Follow the crew of the Starbase as they Make the day to day tasks of running the largest chunk of metal around.

The Jackson Survey

Post Count: 7

The USS Valhalla, A Nova Class Surveyor Has been ordered to conduct a research mission to system J-572. Command of this Mission will rest on the capable shoulders of Commander Jackson, The Chief science Officer aboard Starbase Typhon.

Tiberius V, Ecosystem

Post Count: 36

After the departure of the Neyel cities there was much damage to Tiberius Five. Lieutenant Commander Johnson the Chief Operations officer on the Typhon will be in Command of the efforts to clean up the Planet restoring it to it's former self.

Silent Steps Of Murder

Post Count: 89

Who walks among us, the terror is beyond measure


Post Count: 292

The crew of the USB Typhon will be set about the tasks greeting several new Colonists into the Tiberius System, The land rush is on! Can they resist the charms and tirades of Damrons High Priestess? This crew shall be tested as the Forge Ahead....

Mountain Recon

Post Count: 2

Major Reynolds, commander of the 3rd battalion has been ordered by the Regiment Commander to certify a few Marines on a extended long range Patrol. With him are several of the cadets who have asked to join the trek though the mountains of Tiberius Five. What awaits this band of Marines and Cadets....

Liberation Of A World

Post Count: 143

The 21st Marines have been ordered to assemble and deploy to the Planet Exeter to liberate it from a combination of Breen and mercenary forces. It will be their first taste of battle. We on the Typhon wish them good luck.

Ghosts of Mirror's Past

Post Count: 149

A derelict ship is discovered and while the crew begin investigating the ship experience visions with ghosts.

Orbital Yard Project Athena I

Post Count: 152

Starfleet has tasked Starbase Typhon with the construction of a new ship repair and construction yard. The project will have priority with the fleet and will entail the coordination of many departments and agentcies to complete. The design has been developted as a Three station large vessel repair area with three levels or points and a large ship construction platform capable of constructing a new class fleet carrier/ battleship vessel. This class of vessel has not been named at this date.

The yards shall be located directly below the Starbase and within rapid responce times for workers assigned to the yards. Several modifications to Typhon shall be made to accomodate additional support crew needed to biuld and operate the yard and repair stations.

A Fresh Start

Post Count: 82

Captain Jackson Hawkins has taken command of Starbase Typhon. Will he manage to bring the struggling station out of the recesses of Starfleet obscurity, or will the challenges of Typhon overwhelm even him?

Join the struggle today and help transform Typhon into the central facility she was designed to be...

Winds of Change

Post Count: 141

An enigmatic leader of the rebellion on Yerdi III appears on the station making an impassioned plea to the Federation, Romulan, and Klingon governments for assistance in ending the tyrannical reign of Regent Lova. Will the Federation Council permit Starfleet to interfere? Will the Romulans or Klingons take action while the repercussions are debated ad nausem within the Federation? Will Typhon be able to remain neutral in a power struggle between the three powers as they jostle the future of this outlying world?

[Typhon] Through a Window Darkly

Post Count: 61

Strange stories start to make their way around the quiet corners of the station. Some are even starting to claim that the station might be haunted.

[Athena] Opening Day

Post Count: 0

The opening events for the Athena Shipyards.

The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!

Post Count: 224

Starbase Typhon is missing. Something pulled it out of known space.

There are riots on Tiberius V. The ship sent to quell them has crashed on Tiberius IV, a desert planet.

Athena Shipyards, now the home to Fleet Command, is trying desperately to hold everything together, but they need help. With the Calypso, Jefferson and Paris, can the newly-arrived Captain solve the mysteries?

Trader Games

Post Count: 156

With Typhon back where it is supposed to be, life has started up again right away. A group of traders has made their way here, they are human, but many have alien ancestry as well as their human sides. These traders claim they are just stopping here to rest and enjoy the station as they travel.

Celebrate Culture

Post Count: 216

Star Base Typhon has the distinction of hosting a “Cultural Diversity Celebration’ under the Diplomatic Corps. The celebration will highlight cultures, artists, and merchants across the Federation. In a gesture of goodwill, it will also include merchants from the Romulan, Klingon and Cardassian empires.

Captain Mabrade is keenly aware that any problems that may arise will reflect badly on the Federation as a whole and his command in particular. But when merchant supplies go missing, he must trust his new crew to get to the bottom of the mystery before it becomes an intergalactic incident -- or war.