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Checking with the Chimp err Chief.

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2010 @ 9:05am by Lieutenant Cole Russo & Commander Krang Darkmoon

733 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Security Offices
Timeline: Current

Cole made his way to the security offices and found the Stations Primate Security chief sitting at his desk. Cole straitened himself smartly as he presented his new boss a padd containing his orders.

"Sir, Cole Russo, reporting for duty, sir!" Cole Said.

Krang grabbed the padd and tossed it on the desk. "I logged your arrival 47 minutes ago. Would you like to explain the delay in getting here?" Krang rumbled as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Checking in with the CO, Sir." Cole said "As is protocol, and I wasn't due in for another hour, Sir."

Krang moved quickly from behind his desk and stood nose to nose with Russo suddenly. He looked hard into the younger man's face and breathed heavily through his snout. "Is that what you want me to tell the criminals? 'Sorry we're late, you weren't scheduled to be here for another hour?' Schedules are for desk jockeys. When you work for me, you will be where you need to be, before you need to be there. We are dealing with a sea of bodies, all seeking to get into mischief. It is our job to be everywhere, every when."

Cole stood his ground keeping direct eye contact, he would be respectful but would not back down. "No Sir, I would not have you tell them that at all, I was merely pointing out I was in fact still early." Cole smiled, and dropped his gaze to the right to allow the chief to accept dominance, "Now are we going to waist time, or are you going to show me around so we can get to work?"

Krang could read the younger man's face. First the defiant stare, then the submissive look. Cole knew what he was doing. He wanted to make his point, but did not want to antagonize Krang.

With a laugh and a firm smack on the shoulder, Krang back up a couple of steps. "I like you boy. You have nerve." He made his way back around the desk and then said. "Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

"A banana daiquiri would be nice." Cole smiled and he sat.

Krang shrugged. That was the fifty-second banana joke he had heard since he arrived on Typhon and he was tired of making a point out of it.

"You're welcome to get that yourself, but I can't get it for you. I am allergic to bananas." he answered.

Cole raised a eyebrow, "Indeed," as he approached the replicator and requested the beverage.

While Cole was at the replicator, Krang pulled up his service record on the desk terminal. "So, I see a pretty long service record here. Want to tell me the parts that aren't listed on the official report?"

"Well, I was a fighter pilot till I crashed my fighter, now I do security." Cole Said.

"That's two very distinct fields of service. Must have been a bad crash." Krang said, trying to draw more information out of Cole without seeming to push.

"Starfleet frowns on you when you destroy a couple million credit star-fighter, and I just lost too much." Cole Said.

"Well, at least in this job you don't get in too trouble if you break something. It's when you break someone that things tend to get a bit sticky."

"I'll keep that in mind.." Cole said, "..and mustard is a more flattering colour on me anyway."

The sound that Krang started to make sounded like huffing and grunting, but for those that knew him or his people, they would know it was the way he laughed. After a moment he regained himself. "I never thought about it that way."

"So, why don't you show me around this monstrosity and let's see if we can't catch us a few vagabonds lurking about." Cole said.

Krang finished off his cup of coffee with a bit of flourish. "I think a trip to the outer ring might be just the thing to get this day moving along." he said as he stood. "Shall we?"

"Lead the way." Cole said.

Krang walked out into the corridor with Cole close behind. "I might end up being able to work with this kid after all." he thought to himself.

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security / Tactical [SRT Leader]
Starbase Typhon

Lt. Cole Russo
ACSec / [SRT Leader]
Starbase Typhon


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