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Heading for Pirate Country

Posted on Wed Aug 22nd, 2018 @ 8:35am by Morticia

518 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Aboard the Hawthorne


It took some doing, but Morticia managed to get the Hawthorne off Typhon without being noticed. It helped that she'd been here long enough to know her way around the lower decks. It also helped that she was friends with the Chief Intelligence Officer.

She wondered, briefly, what security would think if they knew how many times she'd managed to come and go without their noticing. It wasn't like she was doing anything illegal. She just needed to keep in practice. And she needed her privacy--especially now when there were pirates about.

She looked down at her controls. Almost out of range. Good. Then she'd swing around and head into no man's land so she could appear to come from deep space when she approached one of the seedier planets where pirates were known to hang out. It had been far too many years since she was one of them and she really didn't miss it. She did miss the thrill of outrunning the sector police or local governments who thought more of their pockets than the people on their planets. And she missed dropping illegal--and vital--supplies to the freedom fighters. But that was a lifetime ago, when the Federation was still at war.

"You know, I really need to do this more often. I need to make new memories."

A holographic raven had been looking out the main viewscreen and turned to look at her. "Nevermore."

Morticia laughed. "You and I both know better than that."

The raven opened its beak in a semblance of a laugh. "Estimated time of arrival, twenty-two hours, ten minutes."

"Good." She stood and stretched. "Any sign of Cayne? I don't relish running into him out here. I'm not sure he'd understand." She ran her pale fingers through her raven-black hair, then let it fall back, half-covering her face.

"A dangerous game," the raven replied.

"I know. That's what Khiy keeps telling me." She checked her controls again, making sure the cloak was still in place. The special systems to pick up any communications that came in range were online, but there was currently no chatter, except for Typhon security. No one would see her unless they practically flew up her backside, and she'd have plenty of warning before they did.

"Okay. It's all yours. I'm going to eat and then do some research."

The raven hopped over to the command chair and turned back to the viewscreen. "Nevermore."

"And find me a nice little planet to pillage while you're at it." She needed that if anyone checked out her story. They usually did.

She slipped into the room she used as both an office and a bedroom and replicated a bowl of thick vegetable beef stew and bread. She really did need to have that talk with Darius before much longer.

When she got back, she promised herself. Right now, she had a job to do.

She pulled out a PADD and began to read over the data as she ate. Twenty-two hours was not much time, but it would have to be enough.



Computer AI


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