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Getting into the "swing" of things

Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2010 @ 1:35am by Commander Krang Darkmoon

640 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Darkmoon Quarters
Timeline: Current

Krang had spent the last three hours tearing everything out of his bedroom. The box that they called a bed was absolutely horrible. It was hard and flat. As the transporter took it away, Krang thought to himself "How can anyone sleep on that thing?"

He inserted a data crystal into the computer terminal and uploaded the specifics to allow the transporters to create the necessary parts to a proper sleeping space. A few button presses later the sound of the transporter whirred and whined and the room filled with a blue sparkle that was so familiar. Another moment later and a proper nest and several large plants filled the space.

To the left, furthest from the door, was what appeared to be a climbing gym play set. Made of heavy wooden beams and having several different types of thing hanging from it, it filled half the room. Upon inspection, everything was as he left it when he packed it up and put it onto the data rod. The tire hanging in the middle showed the wear and tear of being well used.

That was one thing Krang had learned to love about transporter technology. It allowed him to carry the exact same item wherever he was stationed with having to ship the items in a manner that would allow anyone else to see them.

Storing the data chip in the safe mounted in the rear wall, Krang surveyed the entire room. Everything appeared as it should. He stood and stretched his arms high over his head and growled. He then carefully stripped out of his uniform and fold them and put them in a pile near the door.

With a couple of running steps, he jumped onto the climbing rig and the swung across onto the tire swing. Hidden away here in his quarters, he was able to just be himself. Yes, it was childish, and it would embarrass him to death if anyone saw him, but it was the best way he knew of to relax.

Holding the rope near the top of the tire with his feet, he leaned backwards and hung upside down, allowing his arms to hang over his head and he dragged his fingers along the floor. The artificial grass didn't feel quite right, but it was a far sight better than the awful industrial strength carpet that Starfleet put in every room.

Putting his hands flat on the floor and letting go with his feet, he performed a flip and landed on all fours. He walked on his knuckles to the replicator in the corner and order a bowl of assorted fruits. The replicator had been programmed with his preferences and his allergy so that it was safe to get a random assortment. When the bowl appeared it had several oranges, a large mango, a 'star fruit' and a large piece of seedless watermelon.

He let himself go, and just ate to his hearts content. He got juice all over his face and chest, but he didn't care. The few moments of freedom was well worth the shower that it would take to clean up afterwords.

After eating his fill, he jumped in the shower and turned the water on nice and hot. If he was going to have to shower, he might as well enjoy it. If anyone had heard the sounds coming from his bath room, they would have though it very odd. He was singing, but he was doing it loudly, badly, and in native N'gagi.

After the shower was over, and he had managed to get dried off, which was no small task for a being covered in fur, he nestled down into his newly formed nest and settled in for a long nap.

=/\\= End of Log =/\\=

Lieutenant Command Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer [SRT Leader]
Starbase Typhon


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