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Finding Home

Posted on Fri Feb 5th, 2010 @ 11:27pm by

212 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Marine Deck
Timeline: Current


Jerry had been on small stations all his Career, he just wasn't used to anything the size of Starbase Typhon. He checked into the orderly room and was assigned to his quarters. A fairly large three room studio with a window overlooking one of the interior starship parking areas. He unpacked a few things and changed into some casual clothes. Parino decided to venture out and see if there was a few things he could pick up. Using the Padd he had been issued in the orderly room he found the Typhons main shopping area. Overcome by the amount of shops and stores there he immediately forgot what he was actually looking for...

Jerry recovered after several minutes of wandering around and began to focus on some extra clothes and some decorative items for his quarters. loaded down he caught a bite to eat at a wonderful portable Asian food stand. He headed back to his lodgings. Parino had to move a few things around to feel at home but it didn't take long to get nested in. He replicated a few better fitting uniforms as he would be reporting in to his Marine CO and wanted to look sharp.


Major Jerry Parino
First battalion CO , 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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